Posts Tagged: jobs

5 Keys to a Happy and Successful Federal Life

“Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.” – Dale Carnegie Here are five qualities to cultivate that can significantly enhance the quality of your life: 1. A sense of humor…the ability to find laughter in any situation can help you gain new perspective and make others smile. BeingRead… Read more »

Google’s Got Your Six

We celebrated Veterans’ Day last week with parades and much-deserved thank you’s for our veterans. This outpouring of support, however, is often not reflected in the civilian workforce where veterans have trouble finding jobs. Google wants to change that. Google believes that the best way to celebrate our veterans is by bringing them into theRead… Read more »

The Education Gap: Preparing for the Cyber Threat – Plus Your Weekend Reads

The missing link in cybersecurity may not be stronger firewalls or continuous monitoring, but the skills gap that currently exists with cyber pros. DorobekINSIDER Live wanted to get to the bottom of the problem during an impressive panel featuring: (Listen to the archive here): Ron Ross, Fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology’sRead… Read more »

5 Ways To Avoid Federal Burnout

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn 5 Ways to Avoid Federal Burnout: Take on new projects…for instance, if you are interested in social media and you want to learn more about it, ask your boss if you can work on optimizing your company’s social media presence. That’s what IRead… Read more »

When projects go wrong – now what?

In a House Oversight Committee Hearing on the Affordable Care Act website, Chairman Darrell Issa pressed Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer in the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, on just how many simultaneous users could have been handled by the website on the day of its launch. The hearing was just theRead… Read more »

Workplace Mobility: The Rise of the Third Space

If you are committed to exploring options for workplace mobility, then you should check out an organization called New Ways of Working (NewWOW). This organization, a consortium that focuses on alternative workplace solutions, has just released a benchmarking study based on data from July 2013 that sheds light on what is happening in the privateRead… Read more »