Posts Tagged: jobs

Weekly Round-up: November 19, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Slate’s Michael Agger asks the question “How should we use data to improve our lives?” An important question for those of us clamoring for more data. Mobile apps are paving the way for city services (har har har) reports the Wall Street Journal. Interesting to see that services can be built on dataRead… Read more »

Open data is data that delivers results

I struck a nerve around open data, as I mentioned in my earlier article, when I stated that “XML is simply a markup language, a container for data. Is it one of the most preferred containers? Absolutely. However, open government data is not synonymous with XML. Open government data is simply government-owned data that canRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Donna Shalala’s Reflections on Running HHS

Since June 2001, Donna E. Shalala has served as the University of Miami’s president. In 1993 President Clinton appointed Shalala the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) where she served for eight years, becoming the longest serving HHS Secretary in U.S. history. At the end of her tenure, The Washington Post described herRead… Read more »

Need more proof that open government data is creating jobs? Look at BrightScope

Alex Howard shared a good story today about BrightScope, a San-Diego based company that “quantitatively rates 401k plans and gives participants, plan sponsors, asset managers, and advisors tools to make their plans better”. BrightScope has used government data to create a profitable business. Now, as Alex notes: “Here’s the key point about the founders’ fascinatingRead… Read more »

Gov Loop Point Oh

This past Tuesday, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the GovLoop team in their Washington, DC, office (missed you, Andy!). We talked a lot about the design before I had to leave early; nine-month old twins puts a crimp in your night life. And one of the things that struck me was anRead… Read more »

Public-Private Partnership Method Helps Save Local Government Money and Jobs (WEBINAR)

ATTEND THIS WEBINAR: P3 Method Helps Government Agencies Save (Earn 1 CLP Credit) $25 registration The Acquisition Institute Inc., Link – (CLICK HERE) DATE: 1 DEC 1PM EST. (1-2PM) REGISTER AT: and for more info go to read about TBC at: under TBC Method EARN CREDIT: All attendees (even listeners) will earnRead… Read more »

Live Chat Today at 2pm – GovReads – Macrowikinomics + Preview of Live Chat

THURSDAY AT 2pm – GovLoop Chat with Anthony WIlliams – RSVP here One of the foundational books for Gov 2.0 has been Wikinomics – How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by authors Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams. THE BEGINNINGSLaunched in December 2006, co-authors Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams were extremely critical for the beginnings of theRead… Read more »

The TSA Blog and 1984

Are government bloggers citizen advocates or are they PR staff required to parrot the agency line? I’ve been thinking about that in reference to the growing controversy about “naked scanners” and groping by agents of the TSA. Despite the countless stories by those who have been groped at TSA checkpoints, “Blogger Bob” of insistsRead… Read more »

Code for America’s 2012 City Application Now Open.

Is your city facing a fiscal crisis? I imagine so. We are at a critical point where most local governments are not able to provide the same services they could just five years ago. And it’s not just a fiscal crisis; it’s also an identity crisis, as city residents change how they communicate, how theyRead… Read more »