Posts Tagged: jobs

The Technology and the Fear – How to Move Forward with Document Management When Technology is Always Moving

I remember when I settled on my document management software choice. The happiness I felt in finding a solution that could solve our problems was replaced by fear. It was the biggest single investment in technology that my agency had ever made and the decision was left up to me. What if I picked theRead… Read more »

Part Three on the Government’s Grappling with Radical Information Transparency

In the current highly charged political environment . . . the government is facing unprecedented levels of distrust among a small but growing subset of its citizens. Multiple disinformation campaigns, waged across a broad spectrum of media, have helped to create and then aggravate this distrust through dissemination of negative news – much of itRead… Read more »

How Fit Is Your Gov 2.0 Project?

A book that I constantly recommend is Beinhocker’s The Origin of Wealth for two reasons. First, Beinhocker demonstrates how traditional economics is inadequate for explaining today’s economic systems. Second, he introduces complexity economics which is still developing but does a much better job in describing how real-world economies work and how people behave economically. ToRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Lessons from Online Political Campaigns for Government Agencies

I’m fascinated with online political campaigning. Personally, I think there is a lot government agencies can learn from political and advocacy groups from their online campaigning work. Last week, I spent some time with experts from both sides of the aisle – Republican online guru Jordan Raynor to Democratic RootsCamp. With the main goal ofRead… Read more »

Can Cuomo Overcome His Leadership Flaws; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: white; background-position: 100% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; “> Governor elect Andrew Cuomo is in the process of putting together his team to address the difficult prospect of reforming New York State government. In his first public appearance after the election Cuomo was asked what three tasks heRead… Read more »

Talking about FCC Open Developer Day with Gina Trapani

The first FCC developer day focused on open government innovation. For a day, the commission room that has hosted hearings on spectrum policy, licensing, mergers and net neutrality was full of geeks focused on making something useful from the FCC’s new APIs and open data stores. One of those geeks is well-known to many developers:Read… Read more »