Posts Tagged: jobs

Weekly Round-up: November 5, 2010

Here’s what the Center for the Business of Government found interesting this week: Gadi Ben-Yehuda FedSpace, the social media site for federal employees and contractors, is running a pilot program, reports Federal Computer Week. Adam Sharp will be Twitter’s first DC-based employee. As promised, I say: welcome to the party, but don’t get comfortable. HereRead… Read more »

Is OpenGov 1950 Stymieing OpenGov 2010?

The Obama Administration is committed to using technology to better engage citizens in their government. Ironically, legislation crafted in the 1950s to open citizen access to government documents may be a barrier to today’s Open Government initiatives. The Federal Records Act of 1950 creates a framework to manage agency records. It puts the National ArchivesRead… Read more »

GovInsights: What We Need Right Now — Spending Cuts, Higher Taxes and Closer Friends

This interview marks the second of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are teaching, researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. Eric Langenbacher, an Assistant Professor at the Department of GovernmentRead… Read more »

Rich Market Opportunities: Startups and Open Government

Image by ahockley via Flickr Last night I did the keynote/opener for a startup event in Boston and spoke about, based upon my own experiences, startup best practices and the large number of opportunities for startups and other companies to get involved with the fast growing open government marketplace. While you can scan through theRead… Read more »

Focusing on WHY to Drive Adoption: iPad is Current, Learning and Productive. What is Government?

These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of travel and conferences. I’ve enjoyed several typical byproducts of those types of events (networking, learning, etc…) but also a few things that are much rarer: inspiration and re-energized passion. This is largely thanks to my most recent stop: NASA’s Education Innovation Summit, held in Orlando, FLRead… Read more »

Fixing IT Acquisition is About Execution, not Just Personnel

From The Acquisition Corner According to recent reporting by Federal Times on the state of federal information technology (IT) acquisition and program management, the Government is ill prepared to purchase and manage large scale IT programs due to poorly trained staff, and poor collaboration with industry. Certainly contributing factors, but the issues are much moreRead… Read more »

How to Grow Your Business 9x Faster

As a psychology professor turned entrepreneur, Lee Frederiksen has a passion for learning and providing high quality professional services. In his new book Spiraling Up, Lee has managed to combine both of his passions into a thought provoking yet actionable package. Even though the book targets all professional services firms, it contains a lot ofRead… Read more »

The Election Didn’t End Open Government…But It Will “Change Course”

Every month, I’ve been writing a “Backtalk” column for Federal Computer Week, collecting and coalescing the best conversations on GovLoop. The latest piece addresses the impact of the mid-term elections on Open Government efforts. Here are a few snippets: “Will the midterm election close down open government?” That was the question my GovLoop colleague StephenRead… Read more »

The impact of open government on election 2010

Open government, using social media, open data, and other solutions, has been a focus area for many of us for some time. While this evolution (no, not a revolution) in government is slow, as change often is, it is impacting the way government runs and politicians campaign. You do, after all, remember what happened inRead… Read more »

GovLoopers Get Ready For Rhode Island

A few weeks back we posted on GovLoop about Lincoln Chafee an Independent candidate running for Rhode Island Governor and how he outlined GovLoop heavily in his Open Government Initiative for the state. Well last night just like any man with a good plan Chafee won the election for Rhode Island Governor. We are reallyRead… Read more »