Posts Tagged: jobs

The ROI of open government data? New jobs

The Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON) is taking place in Portland, Oregon, and I am watching as much as I can via the live feed. During the opening session one of the things that struck me was a comment that is becoming more commonplace. A comment by one of the CIOs that they were surprisedRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research Citizens give government low transparency rating (10/20/2010) – New study finds proven relationship between transparency, satisfaction and trust. Research shows that higher transparency leads to higher citizen satisfaction with government, which in turn leads to higher trust. Best practices in mobile web apps (10/21/2010) – World Wide Web Consortium proposes guidelines for developingRead… Read more »

E-gov and inequality in public participation

Despite e-government initiatives, most agency decisions are made without public participation, according to Cary Coglianese’s blog on the University of Pennsylvania Law School website. Coglianese, the director of the Penn Program on Regulation, studied the topic and concluded, “Contrary to prevailing predictions, empirical research shows that e-rulemaking makes little difference: citizen input remains typically sparse.”Read… Read more »

GovLoop India: I’ll Help You Make It Happen

Update: GovLoop India exists now. GovLoop has extended its influence to the UK, Canada, Israel, Australia and even Russia. However, there’s little on GovLoop about India — the world’s second most populous country. We should change that with a GovLoop India group. What’s going for it — it’s second most populous country and most populousRead… Read more »

More than Money; or How Government Is Like a Double Overhead Cam

In advance of the Government Doesn’t Suck Rally, I wanted to answer a question here that I encountered on Facebook Questions: Why are there so many smart people just focused on making money? I answered: Like a lot of people, I disagree with the thrust of this question. My parents are wicked smart, as isRead… Read more »

Going ROWE: D.C. gov workers worried new mayor will end “results only work environment”

Just posted this morning, the third installment of the new Center for American Progress series, “Going ROWE,” a behind-the-scenes look at how D.C.’s information technology agency is transforming in to a “results only work environment.” This weekly series documents the transformation of a government office into a workplace where employees can work where they want,Read… Read more »

Tonight on #LocalGovChat: Code for America (@codeforamerica) is our Special Guest. Let’s Talk Apps.

In the past three years, we have seen a proliferation of apps contests in local and federal government, the Armed Forces, and now in Europe and beyond. The results received mixed reviews, but everyone involved said the apps were just one benefit of the contests. Even if a single app had never implemented, bringing togetherRead… Read more »