Posts Tagged: jobs

TARP Earned Taxpayers 8.2% Return

The U.S. government’s bailout of financial firms through the Troubled Asset Relief Program provided taxpayers with higher returns than they could have made buying 30-year Treasury bonds — enough money to fund the Securities and Exchange Commission for the next two decades. The government has earned $25.2 billion on its investment of $309 billion inRead… Read more »

CB2: Oil Spill Technologies Up Close

This week I have the pleasure of blogging from the 20th Clean Gulf oil spill conference right across the bay in Tampa, FL. The conference hosts oil companies, government agencies and inventors with the latest and greatest oil recovery technologies. Last night I caught up for dinner with Billy Nungesser, President of Plaquemines Parish andRead… Read more »

Technology, Innovation, and the Future of Government

I had the opportunity recently to take Dream Talk Radio to Silicon Valley, for a very interesting conversation and multi-media event about e-government. E-government is the idea that advances in technology and information processing can be applied to help local, state, and national agencies be more efficient, responsive, and effective in the process of governing.Read… Read more »

Five Recommendations for Educating Leaders in Technology and Government 2.0

Originally posted at my blog Last month I attended the Belfer Center’s Conference on Technology and Governance 2.0. The conference featured amazing attendees – Ellen Miller (Sunlight), Mike Klein (Sunlight), Karen Gordon Mills (US Small Business Administration), Mitch Kapor (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Paul Sagan (Akamai), Susan Crawford (Cardozo), Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard), Nicco Mele (Harvard/EchoRead… Read more »

UPCOMING WEBINAR ON THE “TBC ACQUISITION METHOD.” The TBC method enables Government Agencies to reduce expenses and actually create real opportunities for government workers during economic downturns

Many government officials including mayors, council members, city administrators, public purchasing officials, CIO (IT) directors, and more are looking for ways to provide services and not layoff workers. Today, there is not enough tax revenue available to support budgets. There is an option–it’s called the Transitional Benefits Corporation Methodwhich provides real opportunities for continued governmentRead… Read more »

Give Yourself a Pat on The Back!

Ed O’Keefe published an article in today’s Washington Post that’s a nice pat-on-the-back to Govies, recognizing that we really are the ones who keep things going, and who do so with honor, integrity, and respect for our Nation’s fiduciary responsibilities to its citizens. Here’s an excerpt from Ed’s Fed Eye commentary: —————————————————————————– The nation’s federalRead… Read more »

Open Government is Not Dead: The Conversation is Just Maturing…

This installment of my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group (POCG) Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, was inspired by the recent Open Government Community Summit held at NASA on October 13, 2010 and many recent blog postings discussing variations on the death, sophomore slump and/or decline of Gov 2.0Read… Read more »