Posts Tagged: jobs

How to Make Your Money Work For You

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn Do you believe that you have to work hard for your money? Before you answer that, do you believe that it’s equally important to make your money work hard for you? Without a doubt, working hard is important, butRead… Read more »

Getting the right match – Mentorship made simple

Picking the right mentor for you is a little like scrolling through potential matches on a dating site. You look at their background, interest and thoughts on the future, then take a chance and hope for a good match. But there are ways to make the mentor-matching process a bit easier. Tom Fox is theRead… Read more »

Vacancy for a Lead Mathematician-Statistician – GS-14 equivalent

The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service has posted a job opportunity announcement for a Lead Mathematician-Statistician (1501 series), in Washington, DC, at the AP-5 level (equivalent to a GS-14). The announcement closes on Nov. 12. Candidates may use the links below for more information and to apply. Duties and qualifications follow the links.… Read more »

Are you hearing me? How to resolve workplace misunderstandings

The workplace is filled with misunderstandings both big and small. An off hand comment can send a workplace spiraling. The diversity of the government make misunderstandings even more common. Because of varied backgrounds, experiences and perceptions, employees can interpret messages from managers quite differently, leading to confusion and conflict. So how do you get aroundRead… Read more »

Don’t Let Detroit Happen To You

Fifty years ago, when someone spoke about the big three, they didn’t think of LeBron, Wade, and Bosh. They weren’t even born. But what did come to mind were GM, Ford and Chrysler. The big three cranked our nearly all the cars sold in America at that time. The 33rd President of the United States,Read… Read more »

Back to the Office: The Value of Place and the Office Family

It’s time for those of us who promote a mobile work concept that seeks to get people out of the office to celebrate what happens when they are in the office. We have seen the articles quoting Federal workers on how happy they are to be back at work after the shutdown. And many ofRead… Read more »

Be Better Than Your Best

Quote: “Always do your very best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino Some skills are absolutely essential to your fulfilling your peak potential. If you do not continue to develop those skills then you risk jeopardizing your career and financial goals. Knowledge is doubling faster than in years past, soRead… Read more »