Posts Tagged: jobs

Lean Six Sigma in Government is an Effective Strategy

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has provided government agencies with great opportunities to spend money on their local projects. The President’s new initiatives also require accountability. With these new expectations in place, it would not be prudent to spend the funds wildly. However, as is often the case, the funds will only existRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Sheila Bair on leading the FDIC

Sheila C. Blair is the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Created by Congress in 1933 to restore public confidence in the nation’s banking system, the FDIC insures deposits at the nation’s 7,830 banks and savings associations. Bair has an extensive background in banking and finance, and her career has taken her fromRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Guide To A City Makeover

Originally Posted On GovFresh My name is Dustin Haisler and I’m the Assistant City Manager and Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the City of Manor, Texas. Manor is a small community, located just east of Austin, of approximately 6,500 citizens. More recently, Manor has received a lot press for some of our innovative projects; suchRead… Read more »

America’s Smartest City – DC

America’s Smartest Cities by Les ChristieFriday, October 1, 2010 Ever wonder what happened to your high school valedictorian? He or she might just have wound up in Washington, D.C. That metro area has the nation’s highest percentage of residents with college degrees. Call it America’s brainiest place to live. In the District and surrounding suburbs,Read… Read more »

FedTalks 2010 – A Speaker’s Perspective

A lot of news gets made about an event like the one that just happened yesterday in the Sidney Harmon Theater downtown DC. FedTalks by FedScoop featured some really high power speakers like Craig Newmark from Craig’s List, Arianna Huffington from the Huffington Post, Congressman Jim Moran, and others. The subject for the event “HowRead… Read more »

Will Aunt Mary Affect Your Employment?

Call it what you want … Aunt Mary, skunk, boom, MJ, Mary Jane, reefer, weed. But whatever you call it, 14 U.S. States now allow use of marijuana for medical reasons. There’s very little court action to guide employers on this subject … even less is written about how this State law affects Federal employeesRead… Read more »

Q&A with Mia Garlick, Assistant Secretary for the Digital Economy Branch, Department of Broadband, Communication and the Digital Economy

CeBIT Australia recently spoke with Mia Garlick, Assistant Secretary for the Digital Economy Branch, Department of Broadband, Communication and the Digital Economy. Mia was also a member of the Gov 2.0 Taskforce. We asked Mia: Please briefly describe your role and responsibilities in the organisation. Having participated in the Gov 2.0 Taskforce process, and seenRead… Read more »