Posts Tagged: jobs

Can the power of the Web help solve the world’s most pressing problems?

Gov 2.0 has often been defined by its utility to help citizens or agencies solve problems, either for individuals or the commons. That’s what the giants of the Web 2.0 era have been able to do successfully outside of the government world, and that’s the paradigm that many Gov 2.0 events have been exploring. InRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Open Colorado

In honor of our Denver GovUp coming up tomorrow evening, GovLoop wanted to shine a spotlight on a sweet project coming out of the Rocky Mountains called Open Colorado. Launched just a couple months ago by Colorado Smart Communities, Open Colorado “seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data…drawing on the expertiseRead… Read more »

Day 2 of eMetrics Better for Govies

The Government/Non-Commerce track picked up Tuesday. Reps from the Diabetes Association and Seattle’s Swedish Hospital spoke about site improvements that focused on customers’ top tasks (that may not have been what they thought their sites’ top tasks were/should be). Mike Edson of the Smithsonian gave us 10 “Jedi Mind Tricks for Measuring and Optimizing LoftyRead… Read more »

Increasing “Jointness” and Reducing Duplication in DoD Intelligence

(The views on this blog do not reflect necessarily the views of any client or employer – Dr. Bordeaux is solely responsible for the material posted to this GovLoop blog. This blog should not be considered reflective of an official position on the part of anyone other than John Bordeaux.) When the Secretary of DefenseRead… Read more »

E2E: What Can You Expect?

You’ve been hearing a lot lately about the President’s Hiring Reform Initiative but you probably haven’t seen too much of it yet. What can you expect? The “Go Live” date is November 1, 2010. At that point, Federal vacancy announcements must abide to: · Eliminate written essay-style questions (KSAs) · Allow individuals to apply withRead… Read more »

Examples of Gov 2.0 in action in Victorian Government

Case studies showcasing examples of Gov 2.0 in action in Victorian Government available at All of these examples put people at the centre, improving everyday life. We will be adding more examples over time. Let us know about similar initiatives in other jurisdictions as we are keen to learn from others. In the meantime,Read… Read more »

GovLaunch – OpenNY Plan

Great post by Andrew Hoppin. Cross-posted from Globehoppin Andrew Cuomo Releases OpenNY Plan Posted on October 6, 2010 by Andrew Hoppin Andrew Cuomo today released his “OpenNY” plan, part of his expanded “Clean Up Albany: Make It Work” agenda. The plan has three major components, which apparently will be instantiated through a central OpenNY website,Read… Read more »

Congress Hits “Refresh” Button on Results Act

The House passed a bill in June to revamp the 1993 Government Performance and Results Act. In late September, the Senate took steps to update it as well. Since these bills support the Administration’s efforts, there is a good likelihood that a GPRA refresh will pass. Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) summarized the need for aRead… Read more »

First Day of eMetrics a Bust for Govies

So much for the Government/Non-Commerce track at the eMetrics conference in Arlington: Alex Langshur–usually well organized and thoughful–barfed a bunch on marginally related stuff under the topic “Using Analysis to Inform Public Policy Decisions. Dan Drury told us all about an insurance company’s site re-organization: “Web Effectiveness Scorecard”–not particularly specific. Ross Jenkins told all aboutRead… Read more »