Posts Tagged: jobs

Be Sure to Take Good Care of Your Health

Quote: “Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey Always take time to care for you. Having goals and being focused on getting paid more is great, but if you have bad health, it won’t mean much. Besides in order to get ahead and stay there you need to have good mental, emotional andRead… Read more »

The Power of Your Goals

Quote: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins One of my favorite motivational speakers is the late Zig Ziglar. When it came to the topic of goals, he flat out sold you on the concept. He said are you a “meaningful specific” or a “wandering generality?”Read… Read more »

The shutdown is over – resentments remain?

We’ve been away for some time now, so please don’t expect that we can return to normalcy in a day or even a week. We need each of you to take time, each hour, to check on your co workers and offer encouragement and comfort where necessary. We are one team, the best team inRead… Read more »

The Beauty of Learning to Say ‘No’ to Yourself

Quote: “Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” – Elbert Hubbard Highly paid people have learned the word “no”. That is the reason they are paid more and promoted faster. When you truly want to do something, likeRead… Read more »

Why You Should Love Your Problems

Quote: “Problems are not stop signs they are guidelines.” – Robert Schuller Innately, we as humans don’t like problems. We like things to run smoothly, with no hiccups or bumps in the road. But therein lies the problem. Because we want so desperately to be problem-free, when they do come up, we are overwhelmed byRead… Read more »

Get Ahead by Getting Uncomfortable

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale D. Walsch The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable. If you want to get paid more and promoted faster, you’d better get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You only get out of life what you put into it. If youRead… Read more »

How to Ace Your Next Interview Interview

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain There will come a time in the not too distant future when you will be given an opportunity for a promotion. The next step you will encounter will be the interview. How will you prepare for it? Some pointers toRead… Read more »

Why I Didn’t Quit My Job During the Government Shutdown

During the 17-day Federal government shutdown my company, Corner Alliance Inc., had to make some tough decisions. Many of our employees were not able to perform work (read: make money) including myself. I worked the first week of the shutdown on internal Corner Alliance tasks, like our website and a Virtual Participation Best Practices document.Read… Read more »

What’s Your Career Focus?

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” – Aristotle The Universal Law states, “What you focus on expands.” It’s simple. What you focus on determines what you’ll find in life. If you focus on the reasons why you will never be promoted, you will only find more andRead… Read more »