Posts Tagged: jobs

FCC Releases API for License Data

The U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has released application programming interfaces (APIs) for four of its data collections, including FCC licensing data, through the License View API. Respecting the licensing data, the Commission’s instructional page says: The FCC issues licenses for use of the nation’s airwaves and other purposes. License View API provides snapshots suchRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 10, 2010

Standards make the world go ’round: Curt Hopkins: Civic Commons Helps Municipalities Share Code Arindam Mukherjee: Open standards is at hand as the main e-governance platform (India) Steve Ressler: The War of Online vs. Offline Gunnar Hellekson: The government doesn’t look good naked Lewis Shepherd: Contributing to Intelligence Innovation Matt Stiles: Visualizing Foreign Business inRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – August 15th

Some top privacy news Biometrics US – U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database Wired reports on the U.S. military’s new detention facility in Parwan, Afghanistan, as “an emerging datafarm” where all detainees brought to the facility are given medical exams and have their irises scanned and fingerprints taken to be stored in a militaryRead… Read more »

World First, Gov Second

I’ll say this expertise is overrated. Woah.. where did that come from? We’ll sitting at the Gov 2.0 Summit something said by Elizabeth Coleman of Bennington College really resonated with me: start with the world then bring it back to government. Yes expertise is valuable in it’s small tiny sector but government isn’t a smallRead… Read more »

Do You Have What it Takes to Change Government and Create Gov 2.0?

As I’ve said many times before, Government 2.0 isn’t about technology, but what that technology enables. When the TSA rolls out an initiative like the IdeaFactory, developing and implementing the technology is the easy part (disclosure: my company has supported the IdeaFactory project). When the GSA implements the Better Buy Project, getting UserVoice up andRead… Read more »

As We Do What’s Exciting, Let’s Not Forget What’s Important

Improving government’s customer service means constantly looking for new ways to do things, seizing new technologies, and experimenting. All good. But as we do what’s exciting and new, let’s not forget that we also need to do what’s important. Like implementing all the laws, regulations, and requirements already in place, for government websites. A littleRead… Read more »

Yu on Bringing Open Government to Courts

An interview has been posted with Harlan Yu of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), about the development of RECAP, the controversy over charging fees for access to court records through PACER, privacy respecting court records, the legal open government data project, Mr. Yu’s Ph.D. research, and his presentation entitled GovernmentRead… Read more »

Christians In Government -Where Is The CrowdSourcing Tool We Need To Stop QURAN Burning?

We’ll I can only say that there is a lot for Christians to talk about today at the water cooler. Whether it’s the Islamic Center, or the ridiculous move to hold a public burning of the Koran, people of all Faith’s probably have a lot on their mind after last night’s interviews by Soledad O’Brien.Read… Read more »