Posts Tagged: jobs

Christians In Government -Where Is The CrowdSourcing Tool We Need To Stop QURAN Burning?

We’ll I can only say that there is a lot for Christians to talk about today at the water cooler. Whether it’s the Islamic Center, or the ridiculous move to hold a public burning of the Koran, people of all Faith’s probably have a lot on their mind after last night’s interviews by Soledad O’Brien.Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 9, 2010

Should it stay or should it go? David Eaves: The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics and An Interview with Alex Howard Andrea DiMaio: Why We Must Get Rid of Open Government John Moore: The Missing Links of Government 2.0 Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Becoming Citizen 2.0 – Step One, Consumer Chris Amico: Gov 2.0 – Challenge.govRead… Read more »

The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics

One promise of open data is its ability to inform citizens and consumers about the quality of local services. At the Gov 2.0 Summit yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Resources announced it was releasing data on hospitals, nursing homes and clinics in the hopes that developers will create applications that show citizensRead… Read more »

Leading from the bench: How courts can improve the justice system with document management

Once, I was visiting a clerk of the courts when very bad news came. An individual with an outstanding warrant was not arrested as the warrant ordered, and he had gone on to commit an additional and deadly crime. The sheriff’s deputies stored their warrants in the trunk of their vehicle. This individual’s warrant hadRead… Read more »

Intro to the Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF) application process

So, anyone who’s interested in federal government careers and who is pursuing a graduate degree will eventually (hopefully) hear about the Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF, formerly known as PMI). If you are pursing a master’s or PhD and will graduate from Sept. 1, 2010 through Aug. 31, 2011, you should be aware of this mostRead… Read more »

Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean, climbed the really, really long rope up the cliff, bested the giant, overcome Inigo Montoya’s swordsmanship (and conversation!), and areRead… Read more »