Posts Tagged: jobs

Bouncing back from the shutdown – Ready to contract?

The government did more than furlough 800,000 federal employees, it also caused industries to furlough thousands. Take Lockheed Martin for example, they furloughed about 2,400 workers and unlike their federal counterparts their contractors won’t be receiving backpay. What’s worse, during the shutdown contracts were halted and no new RFP’s were issued. So what are theRead… Read more »

Are You Linkedin For Success?

“Networking is an essential part of building wealth.” – Armstrong Williams If you were to leave your job today, how fast do you think you could you get another one? Well, if you knew the right people, it probably wouldn’t take you very long at all. The more contacts you have, the more likely youRead… Read more »

Understanding the Importance of your Customers

“There is only one boss. The customer.” – Sam Walton Have you ever gone into an Apple store? If so, you probably were greeted by an enthusiastic employee wanting to know if they could help you? They will answer all the questions you have about their products and they don’t pressure you to buy. TheyRead… Read more »

Monitor Your Thoughts for Optimal Success

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale Thoughts are things. Thoughts leads to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results. No thought lives in your head rent-free. Each thought you have will either be an asset or liability. It will either move you toward happiness and success orRead… Read more »

What Is Your Money Blueprint?

“Money is only a tool. It will take you where you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” – Ayn Rand Are you set for success or struggle? Are you working hard for your money or is your money working hard for you? Are you programmed for saving money or for spendingRead… Read more »

Position Yourself for Tomorrow

Quote: “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” – James Allen Have you ever watched a television doctor show and the doctors are frantically trying to save someone only to have the person die and flat line. Yes, me too. It’s sad. What’s evenRead… Read more »

Become An Authority

Quote: “The same thinking that has led you to where you are is not going to lead you to where you want to go.” – Albert Einstein Quick, what comes to mind when you think of these people? Bill Gates Oprah Winfrey Warren Buffet There are all experts or authority figures in their chosen field.Read… Read more »

Become a Lifelong Learner

Quote: “He who stops being better stops being good.” – Oliver Cromwell The Japanese have a word that symbolizes constant, never-ending improvement. That word is kaizen. Many of the world’s most successful people have adopted this philosophy as well. Achievers commit to ongoing continual improvement. What about you? In today’s world, a certain amount ofRead… Read more »

Why Everything You Do Matters

Here’s a question for you… Are you moving forward or falling backward? You see, you can only move in one direction at a time. Now that the government has shut down, what will your future look like? Hopefully the shutdown will be resolved soon. But this is a good reason why you should not continueRead… Read more »