Posts Tagged: jobs

Ipswitch Network Management Makes Strides with Government Sales and Pipeline Development

On July 28, Ipswitch’s Network Management Division announced its earnings for the first half of 2010. Given the lousy economy, one thing came as a surprise: North American government sales had already exceeded its combined 2009 revenue. Ennio Carboni, president, Ipswitch Network Management Division, expressed his faith in the WhatsUp Gold and WhatUp Event LogRead… Read more »

UK Public Service Agreements – Lessons for Obama Performance Initiatives

Are there lessons from the use of Public Service Agreements over the past decade in the UK for the implementation of the Obama Administration’s High Priority Performance Goals? Volumes have been written on how to develop performance measures and targets. However, comparatively little has been written on how to use measures to monitor or manage.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up August 27, 2010

Here are some of the articles we read this week that caught our attention at the IBM Center for the Business of Government. Feel free to send me anything you think we’ve missed! Gadi Ben-Yehuda AP: Blacks and Women Talk and Text More – What does this mean for government outreach efforts that use digitalRead… Read more »

Top 5 .Govs for Govies Sites

*********************************************************************** Not a Govloop Member? 30 Secs & Free to Join for Great Info & Perks *********************************************************************** Webmasters often wonder: What government sites do government employees actually use? I remember my bookmarks and the ones I checked constantly were: 1) USAJOBS – Oops…it’s a non-secret that lots of Govies are looking for their next gov’tRead… Read more »

Digital helps Government reduce costs… really?

I find myself thinking about Government’s desire to reduce costs by ‘going digital.’ It’s as though the very notion of something being online instantly results in reduced effort and cost and provides a useful and usable service to Citizens. In recent years, Government has seen digital as a means of reducing ‘avoidable contact’ – thatRead… Read more »

Do you need Customer Service Trainng? Check out Web Manager University’s September Courses.

Customer Service… Citizen Service… Citizen Centered… It doesn’t matter what you call it – providing a great customer experience is priceless. Web Manager University’s September events focus on the customer – why good customer service is important, meeting the customer where they are, and things every government web manager should know about customer service. CheckRead… Read more »

Extreme Job Search Makeover Winner!

It was an exciting time this last spring as we looked over the applications for the Extreme Job Search Makeover. While we had many entries, one that stood out to us captured the essence of what many security cleared job professionals were grappling with. “Please tell us why you are in need of an ExtremeRead… Read more »