Posts Tagged: jobs

Reason No. 3 for “bite-sized” government: Do your government employees know where taxes and fees go?

Where does the money for vehicle registration and title go? This was the question I asked the tag clerk Tuesday while scribbling a $600-plus check. What did I get? A blank stare. So I guessed … “Does it go toward road maintenance, bridge repair, etc.?” Other employees began to chime in. Some guessed it wentRead… Read more »

Not gone but forgotten: The truth about disabled vets returning to work

We bring you this post courtesy of Josh Letourneau and our friends at Fistful of Talent. It’s targeted to recruiters and hiring managers, but the information and message is appropriate for all. Today’s post is going to take on a more serious, impactful tone – my hope is that it touches the reader as muchRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Resources Dynamic technologies for smarter government (08/04/2010) – New report finds Web 2.0 technologies enable better citizen engagement and public service delivery. The four-point plan is outlined to help government officials adapt technologies for their needs. The report suggests: creating a collaborative operating model; rationalizing existing applications; arranging infrastructure to support Web 2.0 systems; andRead… Read more »

On Governments and Intellectual Property (or why we move slowly)

Originally posted at David H. sent me this short and fantastic article from Wired magazine last week. The article discusses the travails of Mathew Burton, a former analyst and software programmer at the Department of Defense who spent years trying to get the software he wrote into the hands of those who desperately neededRead… Read more »

Make a Difference in Government Talent Management

Human Capital leaders and officers in the federal government, state government and military know that strategic talent management is a critical new discipline, and a powerful new toolset for leaders at every level. Workforce planning, recruitment, onboarding and engagement, learning and development, performance management, succession planning and retention are all critical practices that must beRead… Read more »

Wash Honored by Washington Post & Partnership for Public Service

Mike Wash, CIO of the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), has been honored as “Federal Player of the Week” by The Washington Post and The Partnership for Public Service, with a profile story in The Washington Post. The article focuses on Mr. Wash’s innovative development of GPO’s FDsys content management system, and his commitment toRead… Read more »

Mike Teller of the DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer Appears on WTOP Radio

When: Tuesday August 17th, 10 am Est 1500 AM or listen later on demand at Panelists: Mike Teller, CIO of the DC Government, Office of the CFO, Michael Batt, Dynamics Director of SLG, Education, Healthcare Jim Townsend, CEO of Infostrat I had the privilege of appearing with Mike Teller of the DC Government andRead… Read more »