Posts Tagged: jobs

How well is the government using technology to help you?

Summary The Lab asked this simple question to a people across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and in e-mail. The survey, which was built using SurveyMonkey, received a total of 121 responses. While not a large number the sentiment expressed, and the detailed responses, provide good insights. Who Responded? The respondents were 68.1% male, 31.9% female. TheRead… Read more »

Key component of Arizona immigration law on hold as debate over states rights ensues

In what has been one of the most debated questions in American political history, the question over state and federal authority is still at the forefront of American political discourse, some 222 years after the ratification of the Constitution. In this instance, the issue centers over immigration and the power of an individual state toRead… Read more »

Paradigm shift: Use Consultants Surgically

We applaud Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ recent announcement of his proposed initiative to cut costs, as we also applaud the Office of Management and Budget’s move to halt IT modernization efforts that have consistently cost more and delivered less than promised. We see a paradigm shift in how government is working – instead of justRead… Read more »

Telework Improvement Act Impacts Agency Hiring and Retention Efforts

Originally posted to Unleash the Monster As the federal workforce becomes younger – almost one in three of the 142,690 federal workers hired last year were 29 or younger and one in four was between 30 and 39 – the “typical workday” may change dramatically. The road to one change was paved earlier this summerRead… Read more »

Feedback loops: Measuring results is easier in the private sector

(Apologies to anyone outside the U.S. for this metaphor.) Imagine waking up one morning to attend a soccer game. You arrive a bit late and the game is already in progress. What you see is mind numbing. The players all have padded gear on, stop play every time their awkwardly shaped brown leather ball touchesRead… Read more »

Global Gov 2.0 – “Generation GovLoop” Provoking Profound Change? (France)

Originally posted on by Jean-Sebastian Stehli on August 12, 2010 A funny thing is occuring in the U.S., a silent revolution that no one has yet registered, but whose impact on American society will be felt for half a century to come. In the next four years, nearly 500,000 baby boomer employees will retire.Read… Read more »

Reason No. 2 for “bite-sized” government: Reach out and touch someone.

The earliest scholars of public administration often struggled with the exact definition of bureaucracy. Is it the invisible fourth branch of government? Do bureaucrats derive their power politically or managerially? I believe bureaucracy is best defined when we reach to the constitutional undertones and examine government “by the people, for the people.” How do practitionersRead… Read more »

Is Teleworking the wave of the future for the Public Service?

Continuity of operations and continued services provision in case of natural disasters. Reduction in energy use, carbon footprint and real estate costs. These are some of the reasons the US Federal Government is investigating the implementation of Public Service Employee Telework programs. Do you think Telework is an option or under consideration for the CanadianRead… Read more »

Report says number of federal employees with targeted disabilities holding steady

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has recently released its annual report on the federal work force for fiscal year 2009. The report assesses the state of equal employment opportunity throughout the federal work force. The reported cited the fact that for the first time since 1995, the percentage of people with targeted disabilities inRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 12, 2010

Things are heating up! JD Lasica: Cool Gov 2.0 sites you don’t know about Steve Ressler: Three Sings that Government is More Innovative than Ever Sunlight Foundation: Ten Principles for Opening Up Government Information Steve Myers: 4 Digital Tools to Improve Your Government Coverage Urban Omnibus: Code for America Anthony Stewart: Robocalls to give MPsRead… Read more »