Posts Tagged: jobs

Your Mobility Plan – Time to Re-Think Your Workday

We spend a lot of time talking about why the mobile workplace is important, how to create a mobile workplace, what technology to use, and how to overcome manager resistance. All of these topics are important, but I thought it might be worthwhile to consider how one person makes it work on a regular basis.Read… Read more »

The Importance of September 30

When you show up for work tomorrow, the 4th quarter will be in play. We all love a 4th quarter comeback. Why not let that comeback be you. That’s right, three quarters down, and one to go.. are you going to use it to finish the year strong? Think about it…the year is now 75%Read… Read more »

Are You Enrolled in Audio University?

Quote: “Everything changes the moment you do.” – Anonymous When you make the decision to learn more, you have made the decision to earn more. But when we first undertake a project, we are gung ho about the idea and then our motivation begins to wane. That’s why it’s terribly important to get some helpRead… Read more »

Being Better Than Your Best

Quote: “If I am through learning, I am through.” – John Wooden Wouldn’t you agree that people who have more information have a tremendous advantage over people who don’t? Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. Set yourself apart from every one else in your organization, through continual learning. Commit to becoming better. The fact is thatRead… Read more »

3/5 of Gov’t Workers Exempt if a Shut Down Occurs

If the government were to shutdown due to Congress not passing a spending bill next week, 41 percent of the federal government’s workforce will shutdown as well, according to USA Today. 59 percent of the non-defense workforce will be exempt from the shutdown, according to the Federal Daily. These numbers come from an analysis ofRead… Read more »

Looming Gov Shutdown – Are You Ready? 4 Ways to Prepare

7 days. That’s how long the government has before it runs out of money. Depending on which article you read, the Congress is either preparing a last minute stopgap spending measure to avert the shutdown or the political divide is too great and a shutdown is inevitable. If that is the case, it would beRead… Read more »

Expect More and You Will Get More

Quote: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill You’ve heard the adage, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” It is so very true. In fact the mind is so powerful, that Neuropsychologists now believe that we get in life what the brain expects to happen to usRead… Read more »