Posts Tagged: jobs vs.

Let me start by saying that I am not posting this blog because I am against or their federal employment section, I just want to point out that’s customers, generally speaking, are not the thousands of people seeking federal employment – and those people navigating through their postings will not find opportunitiesRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training – Citizen Engagement Survival Guide

Want training? Can’t afford it? GovLoop Training is here – and FREE! Yeah..pretty rad, eh? Been hearing from lots of GovLoopers that they want more specific online training on GovLoop. So you ask, we deliver…with cool training certificates included (***You won’t be disapointed***) To kick it off, on August 25th we have: GovLoop Training Series:CitizenRead… Read more »

Local Government Blogs

Can anyone direct me to some local government blogs? I am familiar with the federal government blogs but I’d like to see what’s happening at the local level. Thanks.

GovLoop Launching Series on Huffington Post

So I’m pretty excited that we are writing a regular series on government at the Huffington Post. It’ll be a mix of some of the regular blogs I write here spruced up for a larger audience, some new original content, and any other suggestions from others. If you are interested at all in getting featured,Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 4, 2010

Spreading our wings: Lovisa Williams: Failure is Not an Option Patrick Wintour: Coalition’s first crowdsourcing attempt fails to alter Whitehall line Andrea DiMaio: A Developer Corps Is a Brilliant Idea for Open Government Gautham Nagesh: Devaney – Stimulus tracking technology the model for government transparency Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula (on FedNewsRadio): Why the Air ForceRead… Read more »

As Users Become Programmers

Dick was interviewed by Tom D’Auria of IMI TechTalk, on KFNX News Talk Radio, Sunday, August 1st. The conversation was about how programming is becoming less complex and how computer software is being fashioned directly by users, instead of professional programmers. These are Dick’s notes from the interview. What users are becoming what programmers? 30Read… Read more »

The Government Is Hiring™ has been paying attention, and we have the inside scoop on how to crack the code and land a secure rewarding career with the Federal Government. There are hundreds of thousands of job that have been created by the current administration to help deal with the unemployment crises, so their hearts are in theRead… Read more »

Growing national security apparatus highlights potential roadblocks to obtaining and keeping a security clearance.

A recent Washington Post article detailed what it cites as a top secret national intelligence infrastructure that has been steadily growing since September 11th, 2001. The Post highlights the fact that some 854,000 people hold top secret security clearances, nearly 1.5 times as many people that live in Washington D.C. itself. According to Tully RinckeyRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Networking by the Numbers and Offline Opportunities

Facebook has over 500 million people Twitter has around 100 million people LinkedIn has approximately 70 million people Real Life? It has over 6 billion people …so don’t forget where most of the people are! These days plenty of people are busy with their online memberships, but if you’re currently looking for a new jobRead… Read more »