Posts Tagged: jobs

Are you a Gov 2.0 activist?

Australia’s Government Chief Information Officer, Ann Steward, urged civil servants to become Gov 2.0 activists at the FutureGov Forum Australia yesterday (Tuesday 27th July). She also had strong words for government agencies on the accessibility of their online services. From Asia/Pacific FutureGov. All very true and great stuff Ann. To get Gov 2.0 happening onRead… Read more »

Governance Blues? Build the Blocks

Government websites have been prevalent since 1995. Fifteen years. Yet agencies still have internal struggles over who should “own” the website and web team, and there is no commonly-accepted model for a web governance structure across government. Even agencies with seemingly strong “web governance” have seen it all fall apart when administrations changed. Governance seemsRead… Read more »

Join the planning team for SF Bay Area open government event (next call 5pm Pacific today)

Hi, We’re having our 3rd planning call today to discuss a potential open government unconference in the SF Bay Area. We’re still very early in the process, anyone interested in making this happen is welcome to join. Event details (please RSVP): July 28, 2010 from 5pm to 6pm Dial-in Number: 1-213-289-0500 (Los Angeles, long distanceRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – July 28, 2010

Have you bought e(G2R) on Empire Avenue? Mark Headd: The opposite of open government Alex Howard: Open government is a mindset Robin Hicks: Australia’s GCIO talks tough at FutureGov forum Government Technology (video): Meet Colorado’s Chief Data Officer Christine Pierpoint: The Gov 2.0 Conundrum Gov20Radio: An Apps Day to Keep Climate Doomsday Away

Keys to Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination in a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military) Workforce — Part II

Part I of this two-part series has delineated five of the “Top Ten Tools and Strategies for Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination among a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military) Workforce,” including building communication bridges and fostering a team/systems concept that has application for both military and non-military work settings. The first five “Tools and Strategies” are:1.Read… Read more »

What Can the Government Learn From a $100,000 Salt & Pepper Shaker?

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I finally got around to reading “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. If you’re not familiar with Randy’s story, read about it here or watch the video below. I highly recommend this if you’re about to have a child, already a parent, if you’reRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: GovLoop’s Very Own Stephen Peteritas

******************************************** Not yet a member? Join GovLoop! ******************************************** By now, you’ve probably noticed a guy named Stephen Peteritas running around GovLoop, posting awesome questions and being uber-active. Well, it’s time to bring him out from the shadows and formally introduce the newest member of the GovLoop family (who’s not really that new anymore since he’sRead… Read more »

The Gov 2.0 Condundrum

Without a doubt, there’s a lot to be gained when government leverages Web 2.0 tools to provide better communications and service. But for every success story there seems to be an equal number of roadblocks preventing public servants from venturing into Gov 2.0. Last week there was a Congressional hearing before the Information Policy, CensusRead… Read more »