Posts Tagged: jobs

What the U.S. Department of the Treasury needs to know about brand consistency

I recently attended a fantastic event hosted by 85Broads, White & Case Women’s Initiative, and Ms. JD featuring the inspiring Laura Liswood. Afterwards, as I networked and chatted with other women there, I met two women from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. We talked for a bit and then performed the ritual business cardRead… Read more »

Getting started within The Social Ecosystem, a checklist

Last November I built a short series to help organizations with their 2010 Social Media Plan. The series was well received and I think we all learned a lot in the process of writing and commenting back and forth. Sometimes, however, it really helps to boil things down to a simple checklist, keeping it simpleRead… Read more »

Spies All Around Us: Dulles-Chantilly Region Key Area for Intelligence Community

There must be something in the air. Or is it the water? Over the past couple of weeks there have been some pretty sensational stories about the Intelligence Community. First, we had the Russian spies, then the Washington Post’s expose on the IC (well timed, right before Clapper’s confirmation hearing – but we digress), andRead… Read more »


In the wake of controversy and the rush to remove a government official from appointed office, there are some lessons here that all of us can learn. Lesson One: Build and Maintain a Workplace Culture That Fosters Respect. Just as national figures mistakenly react, people in the workplace also are capable of making the sameRead… Read more »

Calling all Students…the Government Wants YOU!

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster By Erica Pierson It’s summer time and recent grads are in the process of looking to start their careers. Well, good news. Now is the right time to consider a job in government. There are continued steps to implementing hiring reform across agencies in response to the recent presidentialRead… Read more »

GovGoodies – GovLoop NYC Hilton Hotel Deal

Got another hotel deal for all you govies that have to travel to the big apple. Working with Hilton we have put together the Gotham City Government Package. Basically the deal guarantees you the lowest per diem rate at any of the following hotels plus free internet and breakfast. Doubleree Guest Suites Time Square- selectRead… Read more »

Transitioning from Private to Public Sector

Heather Krasna is the author of Jobs That Matter: Find a Stable, Fulfilling Career in Public Service, and the Director of Career Services at the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington. Many people have considered moving from corporate careers to public service, especially because government has a reputation for offering moreRead… Read more »