Posts Tagged: jobs

In Pursuit of Coherence

Gary Berg-Cross poses an interesting question, soliciting ideas on the top priorities for Open Government. I started to leave a comment on his blog, but found myself extending and revising my remarks, and exceeding the reasonable length for a comment. Perhaps the priority for Open Government is to aim for something beyond Openness. While theRead… Read more »

Notes from NAGW Launches on GovLoop

Notes From NAGW Do you want to start using social media but don’t know how to get started? Have you seen other cities and counties doing really cool stuff and wonder how they do it? Do you want to make your site accessible to everyone but aren’t sure how? Do you know that pretty soonRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – July 26, 2010

It was a busy weekend: Jesus Diaz: NASA Astronauts Hacked by Twitter SpammersHouse Oversight and Government Reform Committee: Government 2.0 Part 1 – Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies Kim Patrick Kozba: Citizen networks – What can we learn from the science of epigenetics? On the Media: The Public Access Crusade of Carl MalamudSteve Ressler:Read… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Pet Peeves that get Recruiters Ranting

The job market is tough these days, and for those individuals who find themselves in the unemployment line, you are probably looking to make yourself stand out from the crowd. I’m sure most recruiters agree that there is certain things job candidates do which indeed set them apart, but for the wrong reasons. A fewRead… Read more »

Comment/vote on 2010 SAVE award proposals

If you are in the federal government you can vote on proposals in the White House’s SAVE award process. The proposals come from federal staff and are meant to improve government efficiency or service. They got a staggering number of suggestions (>16000) with lots of overlap among them. We (federal workers only, I think) areRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup July 23 Edition

HHS’s Todd Park talks about the Community Health Data Initiative, the Department of Defense unveils the newly improved Social Media Hub, Washington Technology highlights 10 government apps that get results, and the vast majority of Federal agencies embrace social media while actively working to overcome the challenges it brings, all in this week’s version ofRead… Read more »

Got 10 Minutes? Help us out!

A Friend of GovLoop needs your help! More importantly, they need your help in helping government IT staff deliver the best possible service to the country by ensuring that you and your colleagues have access to timely, well-targeted, high-quality education and training resources. Will you take the this survey that will take just 10-15 minutesRead… Read more »

Government Info Pro Podcast Episode 13: The New Face of Value with Speaker, Bruce Rosenstein

MP3 File You can listen to the podcast in three ways: right from the embedded player on the right sidebar of the Government Info Pro blog download the mp3 from the link above subscribe to the Government Info Pro Podcast on iTunes Bruce Rosenstein Show Notes This podcast was recorded for the a special 2010Read… Read more »

Ontología Jurídica Libre: Vocabulario de Derecho = Free Legal Ontology: Vocabulary of Law

Ontología Jurídica Libre: Vocabulario de Derecho = Free Legal Ontology: Vocabulary of Law, has been made available by Javier de la Cueva, Esq., of and Medialab-Prado. The ontology is intended especially for use by government entities, for modeling and enabling identification and retrieval of legal documents and services produced or offered by government. ClickRead… Read more »

What the U.S. Department of the Treasury needs to know about brand consistency

I recently attended a fantastic event hosted by 85Broads, White & Case Women’s Initiative, and Ms. JD featuring the inspiring Laura Liswood. Afterwards, as I networked and chatted with other women there, I met two women from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. We talked for a bit and then performed the ritual business cardRead… Read more »