Posts Tagged: jobs

Small Businesses Are Struggling and Government Inter Agency Panel Is Trying To Fix The Problem

On Monday June 28, 2010, 500 business owner travelled to Washington DC from all parts of the country to speak to the the newly formed Inter Agency Task Force on Small Business Contracting. The White House in April established a pair of interagency task forces to help federal agencies award more contracts to small businesses.Read… Read more »

Are the Next Generation of Government Executives more Comfortable with Complexity?

As government leaders do you believe the world is getting more complex? More volatile? If so, you’re not alone – – Sixty percent of the CEOs surveyed by IBM in our 2010 CEO Study thought the world was getting more complex, and even more, 69%, felt the world was getting more volatile. For the firstRead… Read more »

OPM’s Matt “Government Cool Again” Collier: Dreaming Big, Kicking Butt

Blogging live from Next Generation of Gov’t Summit. Kick-off speaker is Matt Collier, head of OPM’s “Making Government Cool Again” initiative. Some notes: Background – Started out wanting to be a pilot – Interned in a congressional office, then worked at Homeland Security – Went to Stanford, swore he’d never return to DC – TappedRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: So What Exactly Is The Recession Good For?

Can it really be? A benefit coming out of the recession? It seems so, as the recession some claim is accelerating a change (at least in the corporate world) toward more flexible work schedules. Currently, one of five Americans works non-typical work hours (nights, weekends, rotating shifts, etc). With the recession still in force, expertsRead… Read more »

Share Your Cookies!

(This article is cross-posted from the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog) I’ve written before that we don’t pay enough attention to privacy. There’s a lot of information about us all over the digital landscape, and powerful new aggregators are doing a brisk business by bringing all of that information together. Further, marketRead… Read more »

Top 5 Worst Agencies To Work For

Ok, first off these are not my rankings but instead actually come from The Best Places to Work Rankings. So basically don’t shoot the messenger. We’ll do this countdown style so lets start with numero 5. 5) National Archives and Records Administration – This one blows my mind. I’ve seen National Treasure 1 and 2Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup July 2 Edition

I’m posting this a day early, in advance of the July 4th holiday weekend… The White House lifts the ban on cookies, the nation’s smallest state makes a big impact on its website thanks to a five-second quiz, compiles a list of government apps, and Gov 2.0 experts give tips on avoiding social mediaRead… Read more »

Career Advice? Get Back To Basics!

I was reading Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World, when I realized that Ghandi really knew how to give great career advice! Who thought that his virtues might also serve us well in our careers? How often have you discovered that some level of cynicism has crept into your way of approaching your career,Read… Read more »

How to Plan for Collective Brainstorming Online – New Guide Released

Collaborative brainstorming online is all the rage these days. It’s a powerful tool for government to involve the public by inviting people to offer ideas and start discussions that will inform government decisions. But, as with so many other innovations in government, engaging the public in a meaningful way takes more than just “putting upRead… Read more »