Posts Tagged: jobs

How to Plan for Collective Brainstorming Online – New Guide Released

Collaborative brainstorming online is all the rage these days. It’s a powerful tool for government to involve the public by inviting people to offer ideas and start discussions that will inform government decisions. But, as with so many other innovations in government, engaging the public in a meaningful way takes more than just “putting upRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal agencies plan to start buying in bulk

It seems the federal government didn’t realize until recently that you can save more money by buying in bulk. Federal agencies will band together as one big customer for future purchases of goods and services, including office supplies and furniture, administration officials announced Wednesday. “The United States federal government is the world’s largest purchaser, butRead… Read more »

Local government hero shout out

In my opinion you can never have too much shameless promotion, especially when it is for someone other than yourself. Chris Moore The concepts of Government 2.0 are picking up momentum and, as I have noted, will fit neatly within the concepts of the Social Ecosystem (note shameless plug for The Social Ecosystem 🙂 ).Read… Read more »

Gen. Stanley McChrystal will retain his four-star rank when he retires from the military, the White House said Tuesday. The decision means the general will earn about $149,700 per year before taxes in military retirement pay. President Obama dismissed McChrystal last week after he and members of his staff made disparaging comments about Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

McChrystal, Guns and Rock n’ Roll: A Cautionary Tale of Off-the-Cuff and On-the-Record

When your mission is on the line there is no such thing as “off-the-record,” and “deep background” can be nothing more than a description of the harmonies on a Beach Boys album. If you want to play with leaks and don’t think you’ll get wet, hand in your gold stars and go to plumbing school.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: GAO: Some ‘burrowing’ during Bush Years

Democrats and Republican kick and scream during presidential transitions about the dangers of political appointees from the outgoing administration “burrowing” in to career agency positions, potentially derailing the well-laid plans of the new party in power. A Government Accountability Office set for release today found 139 political appointees did just that between May 2005 andRead… Read more »