Posts Tagged: jobs

I can do THAT with my mouse? The integration imperative for government document management software (part II)

July and August used to be pretty rough times for my colleagues in community development. Each year, we would have to gather reports on projects funded with federal dollars. Some years we had a staggering 200 projects underway. In June, the information from this paper avalanche had to be manually entered into our database. OneRead… Read more »

Are we there yet? Gov 2.0 is still… 2.0

Note: This is an edited version from my blog Just think. The iPhone is getting ready to release its fourth generation. Microsoft has launched its third Windows OS in five years, and we’re into a third tech-savvy US President, but Gov 2.0 is still Gov 2.0. Having spent many years in this field calledRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: What You Do On Friday May Get You Hired

It’s true, don’t kid yourself. For those who find themselves lost in the sea of unemployment, trying to find work is hard work! The job search is more than just classified ads these days (have you noticed how much the employment opportunities in Sunday’s paper has shrunk so much as to be almost non-existent?) IfRead… Read more »

2010 Australian Federal Election

OK. It’s an election year in Australia this year. If everyone’s vision of Gov 2.0 were a reality right now, how would Australia’s election be conducted? What would the relationship between citizens, government and political parties look like? What advice would you give to our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard or opposition leader Tony Abbott onRead… Read more »

Why Govt Websites Should Be Archived

This is a crosspost of Websites have become an integral part of every modern organization, including the government. Every day, a constant stream of information is being posted on the web. For government, every data published is considered as a Public Record, which by law should be retained and disclosed to the citizens, wheneverRead… Read more »

Plays well with others: the integration imperative for government document management software (part I)

During my government days, the most difficult decisions I had to make were which software packages to buy and which vendors to use. Why was this so difficult? We had so many pieces and parts already – at one point, I had six different databases covering my 50-person department. And each person had to learnRead… Read more »

Do you “tweet” citizens in your city? Please share your story!

Do you use social digital networks to communicate with citizens in your city or county? Can citizens “tweet” you about unrepaired potholes or malfunctioning stop lights? I’m looking for local and state level government practitioners to share stories about how cities and counties are using applications like Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds and YouTube to communicateRead… Read more »