Posts Tagged: jobs

US Patent & Trademark Data Available Free in Bulk XML / TIFF from Google

Full text XML, TIFF images, and bibliographic data for U.S. patents and trademarks are now available for bulk download free of charge from Google, according to a June 2, 2010 press release from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The trademark information includes data from 1870 to present, and the patent information includes dataRead… Read more »

Greenberg on Preserving Legislative Digital Records

Pam Greenberg of the National Conference of State Legislatures has published Preserving Legislative Digital Records (2010). Here is the abstract: In the last decade, technology and the Internet have opened access to the legislative process and created new ways for citizens to interact with their elected representatives. Legislative documents are created, tracked and transmitted electronically,Read… Read more »

Your Government Hero Day

Luke Fretwell, the person behind the GovFresh web site, is talking about Government 2.0 Hero Day for next Tuesday, June 15th. This day focuses on spreading the love, the appreciation, for a job well done to those people who work in your local government, your federal agencies, and any place else that public employees hangRead… Read more »

Lesjak on A Proposal of Representative Legal e-Services Based on a Slovenian Case Study

Benjamin Lesjak of the University of Maribor Faculty of Law will present a paper entitled A Proposal of Representative Legal e-Services Based on a Slovenian Case Study, at The eChallenges e-2010 Conference, to be held 27-29 October 2010, in Warsaw, Poland. Here is the abstract of the paper: Information technology is widely used in allRead… Read more »

Remember the Alamo! 7 Lessons for Winning the Gov 2.0 Revolution

I just finished delivering a luncheon keynote for the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) 2010 Conference under the title “Remember the Alamo: Winning the Fight for Social Media.” Since the Alamo’s just a few miles down the road from Austin – and because we find ourselves in the midst of a revolution ofRead… Read more »

Pay Retention under NSPS

So I probably shouldn’t be posting this as I’m in HR but hey, I think that’s what being a leader is all about. Acknowledging when things are wrong. If you’re under NSPS or have been following all the articles and issues on the Hill, you’ll know that NSPS is done as of FY11 and manyRead… Read more »

An Insider or an Innovator for Twitter in DC?

There’s been a lot of reading between the lines of Twitter’s job posting for a DC-based government liaison (and even one instance of actual follow-up reporting). One post really caught my attention – because I disagree with it so vehemently. My friend Alan W. Silberberg, a Gov 2.0 innovator and founding organizer of Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

Delay on European e-Justice Portal

The European e-Justice Portal will not become publicly available in the first half of 2010, according to a press release issued by the Council of the European Union and dated 3-4 June 2010. The Council further stated: Concerning the European e-Justice portal, the Council expressed its disappointment and regretted that the portal would not beRead… Read more »

Little or No Training Budget? Pressed for Time? Check out Web Manager University

Hi there – I’m Alycia and I am super excited to be writing my first blog post for GovLoop. I am a program coordinator for Web Manager University (WMU), and will be sharing with you training opportunities, government innovations, and cool websites and tools that I find through research for the WMU programs. Web ManagerRead… Read more »