Posts Tagged: jobs

Member of the Week: Meyer Moldeven (a 93-Year Young Member!)

One of our members, Meyer Moldeven, caught my attention by stating that he was in his “93rd year.” I quickly confirmed with him that I read that comment correctly…and it was true! So here you go – a Member of the Week that I have to believe is our most senior GovLooper! 1. How didRead… Read more »

New Congress Application for iPhone and Android Puts Government Info Right In Your “Palm”

Since getting my new HTC Droid Incredible, I’ve been gleefully exploring the growing number of applications available for Android. This week I was thrilled to discover CONGRESS, a new Open Source Android application by Sunlight Labs. Technology and Politics are two of my passions. I’m a huge proponent of open and transparent government and regularlyRead… Read more »


Citing a Need for New Hope and Direction, AFGE Endorses Gray for Mayor (WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the nation’s largest federal and D.C. government employee union, today announced its support for Vincent Gray, current chair of the D.C. City Council, in his run for mayor of the city. AFGE representsRead… Read more »

Could Obama ask for a federal pay cut?

President Obama last week “encouraged” Spain to follow through with plans for an austerity budget, which includes a 5 percent pay cut for the country’s federal employees. Colleague Chuck Lane endorsed the president’s nudge last week, noting that much of the money the U.S. borrows helps underwrites the International Monetary Fund, which is helping bankrollRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Intranet Makeover, British Columbia Style

So here’s the deal. The entire province of British Columbia just gave their government intranet system a complete facelift and let’s just say the result could be an episode of “Pimp Your Site” if that show even existed. Anyways the public servants in BC are now rocking out with an intranet system that includes drupal,Read… Read more »

4 Little Explored Areas in Contract Transparency

Sterling keeps a blog called All Things Sterling. Transparency. Accountability. Openness. Whatever you want to call it, it’s here to stay. Transparency is young, but contract transparency is an infant. This gives us the opportunity to set the agenda of what it really means and will look like for years to come. GovLoop has alreadyRead… Read more »

Complex or Complicated Solutions – a eGov issue

This started with my preparing a plenary keynote for the World Congress of IT, or WCIT, due to be delivered on the 25th May. The theme calls for a new partnership between Government and Business in terms of the provisioning and use of technology in the creation of the emerging society we see today.Read… Read more »

Does Your Website Show Your Commitment to Customer Service, Government Executive?

Great customer service starts right at the top of any organization – private or public. Top executives set the tone and the standards for customer service. When those top executives pay close attention and make customer service a priority, they create happy customers. Happy customers – better business. Nothing new about that. But have youRead… Read more »

Designing Social Media Policy for Government: Eight Essential Elements

As we all know, despite the increasingly frequent use of social media tools by government agencies, managing this engagement remains challenging for many, especially at state and local levels. Last summer CTG began to explore this topic and what we ended up hearing often from government professionals that we interviewed was that they would reallyRead… Read more »

Weekly Newsletter on Research and Best Practices

Research Reports 1. The Impact of Social Computing on the European Union (11/19/2009): Trends about user-centric and effective services as well as new forms of civic and political participation. 2. WEB 2.0 implications on knowledge management (2009): Web 2.0 can do more than broadcast messages to a wider audience. Through simple, user-driven tools, theyRead… Read more »