Posts Tagged: jobs

GSA acquisition chief lays out his agenda

“By using the Federal Acquisition Service, the government could procure contracts up to 50% faster,” said Tom Sharpe. Sharpe was appointed Commissioner for the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service five months ago. He was a panelist at an AFFIRM luncheon moderated by GovLoop’s Chris Dorobek. Sharpe told Chris that last year the government obligatedRead… Read more »

Ah, Summer…Crabs, Interns, and Math?

My colleague, Agilex CTO Tim Hoechst, had a fun blog for summer –…crabs-interns-and-math.html Ah, Summer…Crabs, Interns, and Math? July 22, 2013 One evening after work last week, we had a crab feast for some of our employees. Despite the heat, it was a great time. At one point, though, one of our managers noticedRead… Read more »

Liberty, Equality, Mobility!

A recent Washington Post article about GSA’s move to its newly renovated space with a much smaller footprint provides one key to the potential success of this workplace transformation. It notes that Dan Tangherlini, the GSA Administrator, is demonstrating his commitment to change by giving up his executive office and moving in with the commonRead… Read more »

How to Accelerate New Employee Productivity

How to Accelerate New Employee Productivity Accelerating a new employee’s productivity rate is a goal that every agency strives to achieve. The onboarding process involves many time consuming elements. Everything from preparing new-hire paperwork, to ensuring equipment is ready on time, and reducing the onboarding cycle from days to minutes can help your agency saveRead… Read more »

GPRA Modernization – Just More Bureaucracy Or A New Way To Work?

Earlier this week the President unveiled his new management agenda, part of the process involves a renewed emphasis on creating metrics to evaluate an agency’s programs and goals. That focus falls under the GPRA Modernization Act. The new legislation provides the government with the foundation for strengthening agency efforts to use strategic planning and performanceRead… Read more »

RFP-EZ is Headed to the States – Contracting Made Simple

When it comes down to it acquisition should be every bargain shoppers dream job. Think about it, you get to research, locate and buy the best goods and services for the federal government at the best price. But it isn’t that simple. The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), the timetable and options are very limiting toRead… Read more »

How Local Government Decisions Are Really Made

People often seem surprised by the decisions local public officials make. It’s not uncommon to hear community residents say, “What the heck were they thinking about when they …???” Since I enjoyed the privilege of a lengthy career in local government, I was able to personally observe the process many local government bodies used toRead… Read more »