Posts Tagged: jobs

Trust in Government Starts by Lowering Stress in Citizens

Fascinating story on NPR about the “trust” hormone (oxytocin) and one researcher’s findings that trust in the government is related to the amount of stress someone feels at the time. According to the study, trust in the government is at an all time low because of the stress people feel due to the recession. WhenRead… Read more »

Meet the Gov Mascot: #5 – Mr. ZIP

Next week is Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) and GovLoop is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to promote PSRW by running a special series called “Meet the Government Mascot.” Each day we’ve been introducing you to a new mascot, then we’ll run a contest on May 6-8 where you can vote forRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Saluting the gobbledygook in government

Happy Friday! In a not-so-subtle jab at bureaucratic language often found in U.S. Code or the Federal Register (“in witness thereof,” “notwithstanding” and “directive,” among other classics), the Center for Plain Language awarded its National ClearMark Awards on Thursday for the best and worst examples of language in government, business and the nonprofit community. TheRead… Read more »

I know what Govloop is missing:

poems. I had written ‘poets’ but then I realized that there are likely some poets out there, and artists too. That sounds ridiculous though, doesn’t it? We have to stay neutral being government and all.

Vivek Kundra CIO, Macon Phillips White House New Media, and David McClure of GSA Meet With Web Development Managers To Summarize Open Government Directive

To a crowd of over 500 largely government web development managers and public relations professionals, panelist Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra, Macon Phillips, Special Assistant to the President and White House Director of New Media, and GSA Office of Citizen Services Associate Administrator David McClure, spoke to the GSA’s Web Developer Management University audienceRead… Read more »

Kinnaird, Romero, & Abowd on Connect 2 Congress: Visual Analytics for Civic Oversight

Peter Kinnaird (a member of our community), Mario Romero, and Professor Gregory Abowd, all of the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing, have posted Connect 2 Congress: Visual Analytics for Civic Oversight, a paper presented at CHI 2010: The 28th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, held 10-15 April 2010, in Atlanta,Read… Read more »

Stop Taking Offense to SNL Public Employee Skit

You’re offended by this skit? Really? Really?? Get over it. Yes, it isn’t the greatest humor. Yes, it might make fun of your specific job. But, ladies and gentlemen, we have bigger issues to worry about like fixing our government. So what if SNL makes fun over public employees? They make fun of everyone else.Read… Read more »