Posts Tagged: jobs

Meet the Gov Mascot: #2- Energy Ant

Next week is Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) and GovLoop is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to promote PSRW by running a special series called “Meet the Government Mascot.” Each day we’ve been introducing you to a new mascot, then we’ll run a contest on May 6-8 where you can vote forRead… Read more »

Open Source and the NextGen Health Care IT Community

I spend a fair amount of time at Open Source conferences. I arrive with a government bias plus some of the great ideas that open source enables like transparency and open government. Although most panels/sessions/talks/round tables will eventually get around to the idea of education and work force training, I rarely see anyone responsible forRead… Read more »

Muhlberger dg.o 2010 Panel on Information Technology and Public Deliberation

Professor Peter Muhlberger of the Texas Tech University Center of Communications Research has organized a panel entitled Information Technology and Public Deliberation: Research on Improving Public Input into Government, to be held at dg.o 2010: The 11th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, to be held 17-20 May 2010 in Puebla, Mexico. The panelistsRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: When we don’t trust government

In today’s column I address the issue of declining public trust in government – and how building up that trust begins in your home agency. As a Toyota owner, I was disappointed when the company failed to recall its vehicles after large numbers of driver complaints about sticky gas pedals. However, I was not surprisedRead… Read more »

Meet the Gov Mascot: #1 – Franklin the Fair Housing Fox

Next week is Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW)! GovLoop is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to promote PSRW by running a special series called “Meet the Government Mascot.” You’ve heard of Smoky Bear, McGruff and Woodsy owl, but have you met Lady Liberty, Thermy the Thermometer or Energy Ant? You will soon!Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: 6 Obama officials to lead public sector recognition

Six Obama administration officials will serve as the honorary co-chairs of this year’s Public Service Recognition Week, the first time that government officials have led the annual series of events to honor and thank public sector workers at the federal, state and local level. The festivities begin next Tuesday with a Senate hearing on attractingRead… Read more »

E-government and the volcano

Where was/is e-government during the current/recent travel crisis? Having been stranded in Tarragona, south of Barcelona, amongst a group of foreign nationals wanting to get home or elsewhere after a conference, I thought I should asked the question, what, if anything could or should e-government have done? From my view, the first target on theRead… Read more »

Is My Employer Practicing Web 2.0 or Government 2.0? How Can I Help?

As an employee (commerical or public service), it can be really invigorating to discover that your employer is a trend-setting (or following) participant in Web 2.0 practices. Your employer may actually market this, its “Web 2.0 expertise”. This seems to suggest your employer is current, relevant, amenable to open standards generated by a global communityRead… Read more »