Posts Tagged: jobs

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Will new tool cut federal hiring time?

Happy Friday! The Federal Eye gets mail and hears from plenty of readers. One of the most commonly heard complaints is that the federal job application process is too long and confusing. But a new set of government databases promises to help federal agencies cut three weeks from the hiring process, potentially making it fasterRead… Read more »

Today’s Cleared Job Fair is bustling … lots of cleared jobs seekers seeking that next big cleared gig!

Sharing some quick links to our Cleared Job Fair being held *right now* at the Double Tree Hotel in Crystal City, Virginia: Video: Cleared Job Fair in Crystal City, Virginia is getting busy!! US military professionals in career transition @ our Cleared Job Fair on April 8, 2010 Flickr TwitPic folks @ L3 CommunicationsRead… Read more »

OMB’s New Guidance on Social Media is an Improvement – But There’s a Catch

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. There are many discussions going on about the OMB’s recently issued Social Media, Web-Based Interactive Technologies, and the Paperwork Reduction Act. Basically, this guidance makes it easier for Federal agencies to use variety of social media and “web 2.0” tools for interacting with the public without having to go throughRead… Read more »

Steve stole my title: 10 Reasons Why Government Shouldn’t Use Social Media ;)

Last week I hosted a session for the BC Public Service community on the topic, ‘The Future of Social Media in Government,’ in which Steve Ressler was a guest presenter. As Steve has mentioned, I opened the session listing the top 10 reasons for why we shouldn’t use social media in government. Being the CommunityRead… Read more »

Virtualization and the Public Sector: “Greening” Government IT Saves Energy and Aids Compliance

Executive orders and “green IT” directives have trickled steadily out of Washington, D.C. in the past few years, culminating most recently with Executive Order 13514. Signed by President Obama in October 2009, EO 13514 builds on earlier legislation such as the “Green the Capitol” initiative, and, according to the White House, “…expands the energy reductionRead… Read more »

Opening Doors for Greater Transparency and Engagement at USDA

Today is an exciting day at USDA – and across the government – as we release our Open Gov Plan that formalizes plans to integrate openness, transparency, participation and collaboration into our every day activities. The path has been an exciting one, and USDA has met the Open Government Directive deliverables with help from employeesRead… Read more »

DOT releases Open Goverment Plan

Today DOT released its Open Government Plan on Here’s a peek at the Executive Summary. DOT welcomes your feedback! “The President’s Open Government initiative represents a significant shift in the way Federal agencies conduct business and engage the public. The Department of Transportation (DOT) recognizes that the Open Government initiative is about more thanRead… Read more »

EPA Open Government Plan is Published

EPA has posted the EPA Open Government Plan at several locations and in different formats. Additionally, we have started an Open Government Forum and an Open Government Timeline showing EPA’s history of innovations in public outreach, and milestones for the current Open Government process. EPA Open Government Page – EPA Open Government Forum –Read… Read more »