Posts Tagged: jobs

The “Getting Started with Government 2.0” Guide

A slightly more graphically intensive version of this post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In the last few months, I’ve received an increasing number of “hey Steve, how would you recommend someone get started in social media or Government 2.0?” emails, and I’ve gotten tired of sending out the same emailsRead… Read more »

What Cost Citizen Engagement? (Richard Fahey)

Dr. GovLoop has been scouring the Web for great content…and found this great post by Richard Fahey, a GovLooper from Ireland. Tomorrow marks the end of Sunshine week, highlighting the importance of transparency, open government and freedom of information. The week has seen the launch of a wide range of initiatives focused on the themesRead… Read more »

Opening Up on Open Government

I had a pretty unique privilege earlier this week – and frankly, as a huge transparency advocate, I’m still a bit electrified by the experience – in getting to attend a series of briefings at the White House Conference Center by individual government agencies to collaborate with stakeholders on how best to adopt the principlesRead… Read more »

Limits of government?

Last week my wife told me that college loans will now be handled exclusively by the government. I thought, “Well, that’s it for education.” The problem is that government is set up on a bureaucratic model, which in the 1700’s was the most advanced management system designed to control the Bureaus (regions) of France. ThereRead… Read more »

Inherently Governmental Functions

Work Reserved for Performance by Federal Government Employees From the federal register ….Appendix A: The following is an illustrative list of functions considered to be inherently governmental.1. The direct conduct of criminal investigation. 2. The control of prosecutions and performance of adjudicatory functions (other than those relating to arbitration or other methods of alternative disputeRead… Read more »

GovLoop Advisory Board #5 – Chris Dorobek

I mentioned last week, we are launching a GovLoop Advisory Board to help us make GovLoop more awesome. For more information, click here.#1 – Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist#2 – Bill Bott, former Missouri Deputy CIO#3 – Anthony Williams, Consultant and Best-Selling co-Author of Wikinomics#4 – Steve Kelman, Harvard Kennedy School Professor This week, we’llRead… Read more »

Open Government IS Cultural Change

I recently delivered a training program for the U.S. Intelligence Community on how to effectively transfer knowledge. This program was delivered during the period of time when the Intelligence Community was migrating from the Cold War mentality of “need to know” to the 21st century mentality of “need to share.” Government as a whole isRead… Read more »

GISC’s Social Media Roundtable

On Thursday, 25 March, I attended a gathering of civilian, military, and contractor personnel to discuss social networking/social media with two government representatives and two interns from STRATCOM’s Global Innovation and Strategy Center (GISC). The objective of the GISC is to assess the value of Internet-based Capabilities (IbC) to military operations. The project started inRead… Read more »

Listen to the Federal News Radio Book Club re DRIVE

If you happened to miss the Federal News Radio Book Club “meeting” about Daniel Pink’s thoughtful book, DRIVE: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us… You can listen online… A special thanks our discussion group… author Daniel Pink… Tim McManus from the Partnership for Public Service… Mr. Govloop himself Steve Ressler… and my co-anchor, AmyRead… Read more »