Posts Tagged: jobs

Most Lucrative Miami Government Jobs

If you’re looking for Miami government jobs, or government positions anywhere throughout the country, it’s important to know where to begin. Although the Miami area has lost some of its government workers throughout the economic recession, there are still plenty of career options if you want to work for local or federal government agencies. TheRead… Read more »

Congressman Honda weighs in on Social Media and Government 2.0

I had the pleasure of asking questions of Congressman Mike Honda, via his Legislative Correspondent/Online Communications Coordinator, Ahmed R. Bhadelia. While a more direct communication is always preferable I appreciate the Congressman, and his Staff, taking time out of a very busy schedule to respond. Q. What are your views on the open government directiveRead… Read more »

Tip 1 for Winning Government Contracts: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefit from these. PART 2.

This is the third blog in the series of 10 tips for winning government contracts and growing in the federal market. You can see the previous post here. Point 2. Because of the market size and a smorgasbord of opportunities, you have to make an extra effort to keep yourself focused, or you will wasteRead… Read more »

US Gov’t Pro Social Media, Law Enforcement Asleep At The Wheel!

The US Department of State has jumped into Facebook amid a growing number of federal agencies that are doing the same. Other federal agencies involved in social media are the National Security Agency, US Army, US Navy, US Coast Guard, The White House, and many others. The federal government is clearly becoming a leader inRead… Read more »

The Darwinian Challenge of Cybersecurity

(Note: This blog comes from DLT Solutions CTO Van Ristau and The DLT Blog) The adaptive nature of threats to information security has proven to be one of the greatest challenges to personal, business, and government adoption of computing in general, and communication of digital information over the public Internet, in particular. Today we areRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Federal pay stubs going paperless

Happy Tuesday! The federal government will start transmitting pay information for executive branch employees electronically, the Office of Management and Budget announced Monday. The New Orleans-based National Finance Center — which processes payroll statements for more than 140 offices across the three branches of government — plans to start providing leave and earnings statements toRead… Read more »

Calling all healthy chefs… Anyone competing in Feds Get Fit?

Welcome colleagues, friends, and fellow Feds to my very FIRST blog post. Please bear with me as I tell my story… On my thirtieth birthday, I made a “to-do” list for the year, a bucket list of sorts, of activities and crazy things I have always wanted to do. There is no rhyme or reasonRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Efforts are Selfish, and Rightly Should Be

Last week at a Gov 2.0 event sponsored by Fedscoop I had great conversations with several government 2.0 rockstars. But one conversation and one statement in particular really resonated with me. Gwynne Kostin from GSA, in her brilliance, said: “Participation and collaboration are selfish activities. Most people don’t participate or collaborate without wanting to gainRead… Read more »