Posts Tagged: jobs

Do we need an official database of ALL government websites?

With Transparency Camp and OpenGovWest there is a lot of excitement brewing about an effort to establish an “open data set” on all government websites in the United States. This is in particularly targeted to making local government, including all those obscure special districts out there, far more accessible to the people online. The publicRead… Read more »

Culture Change in Government (the blog series)

One of the most daunting challenges in Open Government will be in tackling cultural resistance. Culture is hard to define and see, and yet it’s effects can be profound and often frustrating. In January, I introduced the topic of culture and its many dimensions, citing insights of several Organizational Development (“OD”) thought leaders to helpRead… Read more »

Great USAID Project – Global Pulse 2010: An Online Collaboration Event on March 29 – 31

Global Pulse 2010: An Online Collaboration Event on March 29 – 31 USAID is partnering with the Departments of State, Education, Commerce, and Health and Human Services to host Global Pulse 2010 from March 29 – 31. Global Pulse 2010 ( is an online collaboration event, which will bring together engaged participants and organizations throughoutRead… Read more »

Demystifying Virtualization: Dramatically Reduce IT Energy Consumption, and Improve the Business of Government

Did you know that the average desktop computer uses almost as much power when idle as when it’s active? And the problem isn’t just restricted to the desktop. There are literally thousands of data centers across the globe stacked to capacity with inefficient, underutilized computer servers. In 2006, in the United States alone, datacenters consumedRead… Read more »

Implementing And Operating An Open Government Organization

The President’s December 8, 2009 Memorandum on Open Government requires a new approach for many federal government organizations. It will impact the people, processes and technology of government offices. It will impact the work habits and behaviors of government employees. For Open Government plans to be successfully implemented, cultural issues will also need to beRead… Read more »

Social Media – What’s the Purpose?

Just read an interesting article on a Washington survey from the National Journal. Interesting to see that Social media seems to be a bigger deal to Government than private sector. The results: Over 1/2 of Capitol Hill staffers, federal executives and employees of corporations, lobbying firms, nonprofits and other private sector organizations view Twitter asRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Vote on TSA nominee delayed

Happy Thursday! The Obama administration’s pick to lead the Transportation Security Administration will have to wait after the Senate’s Easter Recess for an up or down vote on his nomination, after a leading Republican raised concerns about inspector general reports and several lawsuits related to his work as an Army officer and government contractor. RetiredRead… Read more »

How-To: Communicate via Social Media with Minimal Budget & Reduced Staff

Citiies on social media with over 500+ -fans on facebook – 16% -followers on twitter – 9% Local gov is often late to game City of Reno-Around the Arch blog -Wordpress blog – one click install-iframe site in their blog -28,000 views on YouTube channels Get a government YouTube channel – [email protected] -get additional branding-canRead… Read more »

On My Transformation from Social Worker to Public Servant

I read somewhere that the (median) average age of entry into the Canadian federal public service is 34 years old. That fits me reasonably well; this is my second career. For my first 10 years of “professional” employment I was a social worker, and my speciality was child and adolescent mental health. It was theRead… Read more »

Bill Bratton, America’s “Top Cop,” talks community policing and security in emerging nations at GovSec

I was in the front row yesterday morning as Bill Bratton — forty year veteran and former Police Chief in Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles — spoke at the Government Security (GovSec) Conference and Expo in Washington, DC. Chief Bratton spent some time afterwards with the folks fromUSIS as he signed books andRead… Read more »