Posts Tagged: jobs

Moving from Attention to Engagement to Participation – More World of GovCraft

Continuing my thinking on the World of GovCraft, I’ve started to think about what the real challenge is for government, various comments suggested that Government is so disconnected that it is unlikely that we will start to bridge the gap. But i’m starting to wonder whether this just an illusion and we are only creatingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Snow days cost government $71M

Happy Wednesday! Last month’s snow days that kept the federal government closed for almost a week cost taxpayers much less than initially feared. The government lost $71,074,495 worth of productivity for each snow day, according to updated estimates released Tuesday by the Office of Personnel Management. The figure dropped from an estimated $100 million becauseRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: TSA pick demurs on collective bargaining rights

President Obama’s pick to lead the Transportation Security Administration would not say Tuesday whether he supports collective bargaining rights for airport security screeners. The sensitive issue ranks as a major concern of federal worker unions but has ensnared previous TSA administrators. If workers did ever earn collective bargaining, Retired Maj. Gen. Robert Harding told senatorsRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – March 8th Week

Biometrics CA – Public to be Consulted Before Biometrics Added to Passports Passport Canada has confirmed it will schedule consultations to gather public input before a plan to incorporate biometric technology into passports moves forward. The consultations are expected to begin in early April. Proponents of the plan say biometric passports, which include such dataRead… Read more »

Open Gov West conference happening this weekend…

I know this is a bit late notice but I didn’t want you to miss out on this really cool and first of its kind opportunity in this area. Site: Register: Open Government is about transparency, participation, and collaboration. Our region – the Pacific Northwest and Cascadia – is positioned to lead theRead… Read more »

War on Talent? Really?!

I recently read an interesting article on the recession and its effects on an employee’s relationship with their employer. The findings they released last week are thought provoking to say the least. A little about the study – it was a global study (Global Workforce Study from Towers Watson which concluded January 2010) of overRead… Read more »

9 Ways City Councils Can Use Facebook

This is a crosspost of With more than 50 million Americans on Facebook, there is no better place to bring local government to their constituents and to engage constituents in their City Council. Yet, a search for City Councils already on Facebook results in mainly United Kingdom and Australian Councils; American Councils number lessRead… Read more »

Unlocking Government – How Data Transforms Democracy (New Research)

My collegue, author and former public servant Bill Eggers, has just completed some great new research that helps illustrate the evolution of government from a data publisher to a development platform for generating maximum public value. You can view the 44 page report here: Click on “Unlocking Government” for the report and a seriesRead… Read more »

Is Voting really a measure of success

I watched the People’s Politician over the weekend via the BBC iPlayer and started to think about whether “Voting” was a real measure of success of whether people feel engaged or not? In the episode we saw Ann Widdecombe Conservative MP for Maidstone get given a camera to do her first podcast and the questionRead… Read more »

The World of GovCraft

Inspired by the excellent Joanne Jacobs at the recent Likeminds event in Exeter to think more about the role of games and game play in solving problems and creating solutions. I started to think about how Government in general could be seen as a game so that we could not only engage people in theRead… Read more »