Posts Tagged: jobs

Federal Business Development Specialist

The Federal Business Development Specialist drives inside sales as they generate, qualify and nurture prospective clients and develop new sales opportunities for the field sales team. This will involve administrative support, extensive research and prospect interaction as well as developing, managing and potentially closing smaller opportunities. The role also has responsibility for acting as aRead… Read more »

Top 7 Tips on Teleworking

Teleworking is awesome…but there are tricks to the trade. Whether you are teleworking all the time or just 1-2 days a week, there are some common tips to being a great teleworker. Here’s the top 7 tips on teleworking: 1. Provide updates – nobody knows what you are up to so you need to provideRead… Read more »

Post Conference-Gate – Why Government’s Not Going

With shrinking budgets and fewer resources to support mission goals, federal government decision makers and influencers plan on attending fewer events this year. Market Connections polled 400 feds about their plans to attend conferences in FY 2012. And the results were bleak for contractors. Lisa Dezzutti is the President of Market Connections. She told ChrisRead… Read more »

6 Body Language Tips for Interviewing

As we mention frequently, people make snap decisions about you based on first impressions. It’s important that you present a positive total package to a potential employer. One aspect of that is body language. Many of the judgments that interviewers make about you are subconscious – they don’t even realize they are judging you whenRead… Read more »

NASA 2013 Summer Internships for Students!

Are you a student looking for a Summer Internship? Applications are being accepted until March 15, 2013. FAQs are available at FAQs for NASA 2013 Summer Internships. For more information about the types of jobs available, go to To apply, login in/register at

A Primer For Local Government Officials Who Want To Jump Start Economic Development

Any easy way to grasp “how to jump start local economic development” is to understand that every community across America {except where the sale of liquor is prohibited by a municipal law or County ordinance} has three types of bars? There are trendy upscale bars – the nightclubs, supper clubs and ethnic pubs. Places whereRead… Read more »

Your Transition Survival Guide: DorobekINSIDER Live

DorobekINSIDER Live: Surviving the Transition A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER today. We’re LIVE! It’s the third time we’ve met and we are doing this at least once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas because we believe that the real power of information comes when itRead… Read more »

Government Health Administration Careers

Many students I talk to do not realize the huge opportunity they have with respect to government health administration careers. In fact, the Veterans Health Administration has an annual budget of $46 billion and nearly 300,000 employees. Obviously a huge portion of the government. Nevertheless, the Veterans Health Administration provides assistance through administration and managementRead… Read more »