Posts Tagged: jobs

Fulfilling America’s Compact with our Veterans–A Call to Action

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, April 23, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print Why are we failing to meet our obligations to our veterans? Ever since the founding of our Republic during the Revolution, persons from all walks of life haveRead… Read more »

POTUS Re-Election: 5 Key Issues for Feds

With the 2012 Presidential Election now behind us, a host of key issues affecting federal employees nationwide are once again front and center. Following is a post-election primer presenting a snapshot of five key issue areas for Feds during President Obama’s second term. To watch the President’s acceptance speech, click here. 1) Sequestration & FiscalRead… Read more »

Top Career Advice for Government Contracting Professionals – Get Certified!

My colleague Kevin Drummond, a Senior Acquisition Analyst, was asked to come up with his top career advice for yesterday’s Career Fair panel at the NCMA Government Contracts Management Conference. Here’s what he wrote in our Integrity Matters blog. Do you agree? I have many friends and colleagues in the Federal Government and the industryRead… Read more »

Is Being a Fed A Thankless Job? Maybe Not. Time to Submit Your Sammies Nomination

Ok, let’s get real, you don’t go into a career as a federal worker for the glory and adulation. But sometimes toiling in an all too often thankless job can get tiring. And budget cuts aren’t helping. But that’s where the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals come into play. The annual awardsRead… Read more »

Need 50+ responses to a 10-minute online survey by Thursday for class project

I NEED TO FIND 50+ SURVEY RESPONDENTS BY THIS THURSDAY! To complete my final project for my master’s in integrated marketing communications, I have to collect responses from 50-100 people by Thursday for my 10-minute survey, and I only have a few thus far! I think Hurricane Sandy has affected a lot of my EastRead… Read more »

Applying to be a PMF? We’ve got the inside track to get you ahead

November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Our team in partnership with the Robertson Foundation for Government, have designed an interactive guide,Read… Read more »

The Presidential Management Fellows Application Opens up on Nov. 5th

Presidential Management Fellows Applications Must Be Completed By Nov. 19 The Resume Place offers tips for writing the Presidential Management Fellows application for the PMF Class of 2013. The resume is critical as part of this application. Read important application details.

How to: 5 Tips to Find a Policy Job

I’ve been meeting recently with a number of recent graduates (mainly MPA/MPPs) and I’ve found most of them want “policy jobs.” It’s kind of an interesting situation – these MPA/MPP graduate programs prep them for policy work but honestly there’s not a ton of policy jobs. Most federal openings aren’t about setting policy but aboutRead… Read more »

Keys to a Successful Transition for Female Veterans

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for post-9/11 female veterans surged to 19.9% in September, vs. 14.7 percent a year earlier and 12.1% in August. While the unemployment rate for veterans as a whole is now lower than the general public, that’s obviously not the case for our female vets. OneRead… Read more »