Posts Tagged: jobs

Technical Support Manager

The Rutherford County Government in Tennessee has a Technical Support Manager position open with the Rutherford Office of Information Technology in Murfreesboro, TN. Starting salary $61,450 to $66,000 annually, commensurate with experience. June 1 at 12 noon posting deadline. Job description and application instructions:

The Perfect Reason to Hire a Proofreader

Recently, I was speaking with a new client who had just spent 43 hours writing her federal résumé and SES narratives. She said after that long she felt like she was writing the same thing over and over, knew there were typos and grammar errors, and just could not fathom reading them for at leastRead… Read more »


I taught 9 classes in Bahrain to US Navy Sailors a few weeks ago. We discovered these 9 major problems with applying for a federal job online over and over again! If you have other problems with the automated application systems, please write comments here. I will forward your suggestions to our USAJOBS point ofRead… Read more »

Supervisory Contract Specialist Vacancy at NIH

DUTIES: As the Director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), Office of Acquisitions (OA) and Consolidated Operations Acquisitions Center, you will support the NLM in addition to a host of Institutes/Centers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). As the Director, you will provide leadership and strategic vision, program oversight, resource planning and evaluation,Read… Read more »

Do Members of Congress Have Security Clearances?

Here’s a bit of “inside Washington” trivia to pass around the office today – do members of congress have security clearances? The topic of security clearance for elected officials has long been a complex one. Members of congress – even those in sensitive committee positions – do not receive or obtain security clearances in theRead… Read more »

How to Use LinkedIn for Job Search Without Tipping Off Your Current Employer

Many professionals overlook LinkedIn as a career development and business networking tool, only using the site when they need a job. This presents a challenge when you ultimately do need a network for your job search. Rather than being able to tap a very well-established network, you have to ramp up quickly. Networking is aRead… Read more »

Young Government Leaders Survey

YGL’s The Economy and Tomorrow’s Leaders Survey! Our country has faced difficult economic conditions during the last several years. Those recently entering the workforce have been hit especially hard. Many existing studies focus on the struggles of unemployed youth. Most of YGL’s membership are currently employed, but may have still felt the impact of theRead… Read more »

Another Telework Driver: Freezing the Federal Footprint

In line with its mission to ensure the careful use of Federal funds, OMB issued guidance on 5/11/12 to Federal agencies that requires them to make more efficient use of existing government real estate — in effect, “freezing the Federal footprint.” In a roundabout way, this is good news for Telework fans. By requiring agenciesRead… Read more »

Actively trying to become a government employee

Is there anyone who would be able to assist me in becoming a government employee. I have, had my resume re-written, applied to jobs on usajobs and spoken with people who are in the government. If anyone has helpful tips, links or information about what can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Zuckerbergs Hoodie Stirs Controversy on Wall Street – They Just Don’t Get It…

Some on Wall Street were up in arms recently as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wore his signature hoodie to meet with potential investors on the verge of Facebook’s initial public offering. Others rushed to defend the young CEO, going so far as to point out that he likely does not — and should not —Read… Read more »