Posts Tagged: jobs

Life Outside the Beltway

Looking at the residence listings of GovLoop members made me feel a bit of an outsider; so many are from what I would consider the “DC Area.” It made me wonder how valuable GovLoop would be for me, as a Washington Outsider. But then I got to thinking: what, if any, are the real differences?Read… Read more »

Wisdom From a Retired Fed: A Practical Guide to Management

Management is (to paraphrase Casey Stengal) :”75% art and the other half is science” . To individuals entering the profession, managing can appear to be an endless minefield with potential disasters lurking at each step. Yet veteran managers often appear to subordinates as magicians able to generate optimum performance effortlessly. Over the next several weeksRead… Read more »

GovLoop and Gov 2.0

I just got back from two days at the Harvard Kennedy School for the Government 2.0 conference hosted in conjunction with nGenera (the Wikinomics crew). I was there on a panel speaking about Young Government Leaders and discussing what it will take to get a new generation into government (I think the answer looks aRead… Read more »

Poll Results and New Poll

The results from last week’s poll for best government trade magazine came in at: 50% Federal Computer Week 10% Federal Times 30% Government Executive 10% Does US Weekly Count? I’m glad to see US Weekly did not win as I was a little concerned at the beginning. I guess people care more about IPV6 thanRead… Read more »

Success is That Easy

Since my last post discussed dealing with failure, I wanted to come back with a blog on success. I once wrote a 800 word essay with tips for success for Gen Y. While it never came out (you can thank some merciless editors), I don’t think I need 800 words to summarize my article. YouRead… Read more »

Trade Magazine Round-Up

Lately I’ve been asking government employees what magazines/blogs/websites to get information on the government community and tips on their jobs. I usually get a puzzled look or maybe an apology saying they know they should read more. I actually read way too many magazines, blogs, newsletters about the federal government. I am here to giveRead… Read more »