Posts Tagged: jobs

LocalGovCamp 2012

LocalGovCamp is returning! It will be held on Saturday, July 14th in Birmingham – venue to be confirmed. Sign up for an early bird ticket here. Thanks to the UKGovCamp fund and Talk About Local who are early sponsors. If you want to throw some cash at a seriously cool bunch of local government innovators,Read… Read more »

Meet Professor Norden, Chief of the Research Staff

You may recall the incredible story by Arthur C. Clarke titled “Superiority” (available in the collection: The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke). This short story, written in 1951, is such a great read because it captures some key, apparently enduring qualities of militaries that become seduced by their technological superiority. The result: Even thoughRead… Read more »

Open Data Powers New Citizen Engagement Strategies

Code for America recently launched Engagement Commons to bring together information and solutions from across the country on innovative new strategies for government engagement with citizens. The landscape of tools and strategies for engaging citizens is changing rapidly, as more and more governments implement new ways for citizens to make their voices heard in theRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Defense Department releases bi-yearly report on progress in Afghanistan

The Defense Department Friday released its bi-yearly report entitled “Report on Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan,” which provides insight as to how well Afghan national security efforts are going. The report offers also covers progress in rule of law, economics, and road conditions. It states that the situation is improving in Afghanistan, thoughRead… Read more »

Buy Better, Deliver Better, Be More Efficient — the new commandments of SBA?

In the changing government market, small businesses are becoming even more critical to enabling agencies to accomplish their missions. Yet despite new rules, regulations and goals, there still seems to be a disconnect between agencies and those small business. What can be done to make the match between the two sides? The government’s renewed interestRead… Read more »

Open Data Movement is a Joke?

Yesterday, Tom Slee wrote a blog post called “Why the ‘Open Data Movement’ is a Joke,” which – and I say this as a Canadian who understands the context in which Slee is writing – is filled with valid complaints about our government, but which I feel paints a flawed picture of the open dataRead… Read more »

Federal Leaders Fail to Connect — Advice on how to correct the problem

Feds give government executives low marks when it comes to leadership. That’s the top finding from a new assessment of the Parternership for Public Service Best Places to Work in Government rankings. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS. He gave Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER a breakdown of theRead… Read more »

What’s Your Digital Community Engagement Score?

**This post is brought to you by CivicPlus – which has designed more than 1,100 local government websites serving 42 million citizens throughout North America*** Are you doing good at digital engagement? Poorly? How are you doing compared to your peers? Citizens everywhere are demanding better engagement with their local government. However, it can beRead… Read more »

Top Posts April 2012

Below are our three most popular posts in April: What Is Government 2.0? What Is Public Participation? New Research Paper Presents 30 General Design Considerations for Online Deliberation Systems May is next! Original post