Posts Tagged: jobs

Weekly Round-up: April 27, 2012

This post has been updated to include Dan Chenok’s contribution Gadi Ben-Yehuda Big Apps Contest Yields New Tools for Residents. The third Big Apps Contest winners were announced last week, and this infographic tells the story of the apps that were submitted. The overall winner of the contest was an app called NYCFacets, which seeksRead… Read more »

Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise Part 2

A few months ago I wrote a post about a Job Fair sponsored by Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown titled Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise. The Buffalo News recently ran a follow-up article regarding the City of Buffalo Job Fair. While Mayor Brown hyped the fact that 1,500 “good-paying” jobs wereRead… Read more »

Battling back from a Gov’t PR nightmare and a New Tool makes Twitter easier to use

Battling back from a Gov’t PR nightmare and a New Tool makes Twitter easier to use by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 26, 2012 It’s been one of the worst weeks ever for public servants. Advice on how to be a good leader from the Partnership for Public Service. TwitChimp — theRead… Read more »

GovTransformer Case Study – “When The Economy Gets Tough – The Tough Get Innovative”

An interesting Google initiative is called “GovTransformers,” in which Google highlights a public servant who is bringing new and innovative ways to improve the way government operates. I’d encourage you to take a look at all the great case studies on the web page, and see how Google’s GovTransformers are leveraging Google tools and applicationsRead… Read more »

How Much Time Does a Recruiter Spend Looking at a Resume?

In the last few weeks there has been a lot of discussion in the recruiting world about a studythat reviewed recruiters’ resume scanning behavior. The recruiters in the study self-reported that they spent up to four to five minutes reviewing a resume. However the study found something very different — an average of six secondsRead… Read more »

The Best Way To Get Hadoop Is Getting Better: CDH 4 in Final Beta

Good news for Big Data users: Cloudera recently released the second and final beta for Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop version 4 (CDH4), meaning that the official CDH4 release is coming soon. If you aren’t already using CDH, Cloudera offers the leading open-source distribution of the fast, agile, and reliable distributed computing platform changing theRead… Read more »

Patient Opinion launches in Australia

One of the UK’s social media success stories, Patient Opinion, has now launched an Australian website at Patient Opinion, which has been live since 2005, allows patients to rate and comment on their experience with health providers. It has been an amazing (if sometimes painful) success in the UK, leading to a number ofRead… Read more »

Enforcing Open Government

The state of Iowa is forming an agency dedicated to enforcing open government. With approval obtained from the state legislature the governor will appoint a nine-member board that includes up to three media representatives and three local government officials. The board will have the ability to fine representatives of many state executive branch departments orRead… Read more »

Customer Service Bill Is Resurrected

Will feds soon be asking their customers if they are satisfied with the service they’ve received? Following the customer service initiatives launched by Gore’s reinventing government team in the 1990s, the federal government has waxed and waned on the importance of customer service in the course of serving the public. With citizen satisfaction with governmentRead… Read more »