Posts Tagged: jobs

Why influence, not RoI, matters for local government social media

On the whole, UK councils are doing a nice job of using social media – possibly we caught on early because we’re used to making the most of tools that don’t cost much. ‘Fair play ‘ as we say here in Wales, we’re doing getting better at engaging. But there’s loads of room to improve.Read… Read more »

From Over-the-Top to Over the Net: A Solution to Costly Conferences

By Lance Simon and Judith Nielsen If you think the United States Forest Service is just in the business of saving trees, think again. The nation’s conservator of forests and parklands is also pretty good at saving money, especially when it comes to government conferences. In its 2012 national conference entitled The Sustainable OperationsRead… Read more »

Wise Words from SwissMiss

Pardon me for being a little flustered – I met my design idol last week and am still a bit awestruck. Tina Roth Eisenberg, often referred to by her popular blog’s name, SwissMiss, is a designer, blogger, wife, mother, and the self-proclaimed “queen of accidental income,” living in Brooklyn by way of Switzerland (in caseRead… Read more »

How Mature is your Finance Organization?

How Mature is your Finance Organization? By Steve Watson, CPA, CGFM IBM Public Sector Financial Management In 2005, I published a whitepaper upon the 15th Anniversary of the CFO Act entitled Federal Financial Management, The End of the Beginning ( In that paper, I included a Financial Management Maturity Model reproduced in the table below.Read… Read more »

An Improving Economy Could Mean Loss of Employees. Will They Stay or Will They Go?

When accounting for the costs (both real costs, such as time taken to select and recruit a replacement, and also opportunity costs, such as lost productivity), the cost of employee turnover to organizations has been estimated to be up to 150% of the employees’ remuneration package. In the case of the public sector can, orRead… Read more »

Aligning Margins And Performance At DoD

Stan Soloway, president and chief executive officer of the Professional Services Council (PSC), wrote a piece recently about the issues defense contractors face and the tough times that lay ahead for industry as the federal budgets continue to shift and shrink. Mr. Soloway’s piece was in conjunction with the PSC’s recent Marketview 2012 conference, andRead… Read more »

GovLoop Industry Perspective: Honolulu 311 Case Study

The following post is an excerpt from the GovLoop Industry Perspective Case Study featuring the Honolulu 311 mobile app. This is part of the GovLoop Industry Perspective Series. You can view the entire case study below or view here. The Honolulu 311 Mobile App is powered by CitySourced. In early 2012, the City of HonoluluRead… Read more »

Make Conversations Possible: What Open Standards and Open Source means to government and citizens

Over the past week, we have been inundated with articles surfacing in response to the UK government’s first open standards roundtable discussion hosted by the Cabinet Office that was held on the 4th of April. It was described as “a resounding call to scrap the government’s policy on open standards“, as Mark Ballard from ComputerRead… Read more »