Posts Tagged: jobs

EPA’s Apps for the Environment — Lessons Learned — What you need to know!

There’s a lot of talk about challenges and contests and many government organizations are actually doing them. But what works and what doesn’t? Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency conducted a challenge… Apps for the Environment — the EPA’s developer challenge. The goal was to create environmental applications using EPA data. And the challenge scoredRead… Read more »

A Budget of Austerity – A Public Servant’s Guide to Survival

Social Connect via: With the release of the federal budget on March 29, 2012, a sigh of relief could be heard all across Ottawa as the full extent of spending cuts and lay-offs were revealed. The cuts to Departments were lower than expected with most Departments being asked to find 5-6% in savings with variationsRead… Read more »

Australian government agencies achieving the highest click-throughs of all sectors for email marketing campaigns

I’ve been browsing the latest Email Market Matrics Australia report from Vision6 and it definitely has good news for government agencies. This series of reports has been running since the second half of 2006 and has, for me, provided a very useful insight into the effectiveness of email marketing in Australia over the last fiveRead… Read more »

Going to the DoDIIS Conference? Here are some “must see” technologies

The Department of Defense Intelligence Information Systems (DoDIIS) conference is held once a year by the Defense Intelligence Agency technology leadership team. This is an incredible event full of information-packed presentations and social sessions. One of its greatest features is a expo floor with 100′s of technologies available for demonstrations and evaluations. That great featureRead… Read more »

3 Tech Trends In Government

Since GovLoop was founded, we have been holding various meet ups for government employees across the country. Our latest stop was in Austin, Texas, in which we gathered to discuss three of the top technology trends in government. Our session focused on social media, mobile, and cloud technology. The event was not only a greatRead… Read more »

This Week In Computer Security

Botnet takedowns make front page in this week’s security news in review This week saw a lot of activity on botnet control and disruption as several corporations struggled to disrupt or destroy major botnets and their command-and-control facilities. Botnets are responsible for some of the more incipient and insidious issues that the internet struggles with,Read… Read more »

U.S. attorney vows to go after terrorists despite defeat in Hutaree case Detroit— The Hutaree case, which ended in surprise acquittals this week, won’t deter federal prosecutors from preventing terror attacks, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said Thursday. She spoke to The Detroit News hours after the high-profile case ended with guilty pleas on minor weapons charges against two group members. Five others walked free following acquittalsRead… Read more »

Discussion: 6 Major Tech Innovations for 2012

Today I read a great piece in Inc. Magazine (written by John Brandon) about the 6 Major Tech Innovations that could disrupt business in 2012. You can find the full article here- In the author’s order, they are: 1. Predictive Technology 2. HTML5 3. High Resolution Displays (ex. the ‘new’ iPad) 4. Social AnalyticsRead… Read more »