9 Steps To Get Out Of Your Way and Into Your Desires
Knowing when to elevate and level up in your career is one that will require you to “get out of your own way” and explore, just like the way we do to move our agency’s mission forward.
Knowing when to elevate and level up in your career is one that will require you to “get out of your own way” and explore, just like the way we do to move our agency’s mission forward.
As you might remember, we spoke with Karen Rainey and Michelle Crockett in previous GovFem articles (see this article and this article) about how and why they got involved in Federally Employed Women (FEW), an advocacy and training non-profit organization for women in federal government. They both explained the power of in-person training and theRead… Read more »
“G-d talker! Get out!” That was my Grandpa, may he rest in peace (alav hashalom, a”h) at the head of the Passover table. It was an ordinary holiday which meant we were arguing like we usually did, the lot of us, maybe ten or twelve. They say “two Jews, three opinions” and we were noRead… Read more »
As the D.C. business community is dealing with many challenges these days, it is always good to keep all of your customer service capabilities as sharp as possible. With fewer dollars to chase, the competition is getting very stiff and contractors need to embrace new ideas for keeping government customers happy. I recently had theRead… Read more »