Analyze the Small Data of Training
A solid training evaluation program collects the right small data to assure your training program is on the right path to providing business results.
A solid training evaluation program collects the right small data to assure your training program is on the right path to providing business results.
Part three in our David Kirkpatrick video series! Did you catch our first and second videos? David Kirkpatrick sits down with GovDelivery to discuss the Facebook Phenomenon and why Facebook now dominates social networking. He also shares his thoughts on how government can leverage the power of Facebook to help improve citizen satisfaction. Watch theRead… Read more »
This is part two in our David Kirkpatrick video series. Did you catch yesterday’s post? David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” sat down with us after our social media conference to discuss how Facebook and social media has changed the way government interacts with citizens. He also delves into the question that many governmentRead… Read more »
In October, GovDelivery hosted a social media conference in Washington, D.C. with nearly 300 attendees, from local government workers to Federal employees and government contractors. At the heart of the event was a Facebook foundation: David Kirkpatrick, author of “The Facebook Effect,” delivered an engaging keynote presentation, and Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public PolicyRead… Read more »