Posts Tagged: knowledge management

Defining Collaborgagement

As I wrote in a earlier posting, I coined the term collaborgagement while attending a session at John Newton (Alfresco’s CTO) commented that the next generation of enterprise IT tools need to serve the middle of the enterprise – the domain of the knowledge workers. These tools need to support collaboration, knowledge management, andRead… Read more »

On Change, or Why They Hate You

In a recent listserv conversation, someone asked a very reasonable question: What does the literature say about how change agents are received? This was in the context of knowledge management (KM), and the inquiry stemmed from an honest attempt to understand the hostility experienced from some in the workforce upon being introduced to KM initiatives.Read… Read more »

Hawk Method of Management

Let’s face it. You cannot truly measure employee output, once you are managing people who are not producing or processing widgets per hour – people we call, erroneously, “knowledge workers.” People who are useful and productive because of the relationships they maintain, the external sources they consult to solve problems, and the imagination they bringRead… Read more »

Engaging Your Audience Through Presentation and Delivery – David Uejio

Engaging your audience isn’t easy in fact there’s a lot more ways to do it poorly than correctly. But good news is there are people who have it down pat and can help. One of those is David Uejio, Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Human Resources, National Institutes of Health. David will beRead… Read more »

Controlling the Invisible

Recently, I was engaged in a listserv conversation (remember those?) regarding the balance between standards-based enterprises and the need to engage creative talent who may bristle at standard processes. The conversation moved to the question of new processes and standards that respected the nature of complex organizations (rather than early 20th century bureaucracies), and IRead… Read more »

The Long Tail of Enterprise Content Management

Question: Can we expect a much larger amount of the available content to be consumed or used by at least a few people in the organisations? Shifting focus from bestsellers to niche markets In 2006 the editior-in-chief of Wired magazine Chris Andersson published his book called ”The Long Tail – Why the Future of BusinessRead… Read more »

The act of participating, not the process of managing participation

I was reading an interesting post earlier today ( A Better Way to Manage Knowledge – John Hagel III and John Seely Brown – Harvard Business Review) and it triggered a number of thoughts in my head. Perhaps the act of participating is far more important to get right then the process of managing thatRead… Read more »

Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – Knowledge Management in Libraries

While the business world is changing in the new knowledge economy and digital age, libraries of all types are undergoing drastic changes also. The new role of libraries in the 21st century needs to be as a learning and knowledge center for their users as well as the intellectual commons for their respective communities where,Read… Read more »