Posts Tagged: Knowledge

The Grey Tsunami Problem: Why It’s Really About Communication

The “grey tsunami” was a big topic at my agency a few years back. The expectation was that up to 70% of the agency’s workforce would take early retirement. Massive amounts of tacit knowledge would be lost. In preparation, my team attempted to “crowdsource” the knowledge of the experienced staff. We wanted to convert thatRead… Read more »

Ten Rules for Developing Knowledge Management Solutions

One of the hot topics in many organizations right now is knowledge management. Whether its in the context of customer service, business strategy, human resources, or information technology managing knowledge is a serious concern in most organizations. Whenever one of these projects or programs is getting ramped up the temptation is always there to tryRead… Read more »

Is HR a Profession?

There is a perception within the federal government that HR offices in most agencies are the place where people are placed when there’s no place else to put them. I have heard over the years that HR is the location where the “problem” people land. It’s often viewed that all HR employees do is processRead… Read more »

Demystifying Knowledge Management in the Federal Government

Does your agency have a knowledge management (KM) strategy? What is your agency doing to protect mission-critical knowledge from walking out of the door when subject matter experts retire or leave? How does your organization encourage corporate knowledge sharing? The biggest challenge I’ve faced with implementing a corporate KM strategy is defining and simplifying itsRead… Read more »

Differentiated and Self-Paced Learning

It’s easy to understand the terms “differentiated” and “self-paced learning.” Montessori and other private schools have used these learning techniques for years, but it is beginning to sound like public schools may be getting the same treatment if higher education has its way. However, it is a big change for the public schools. Probably evenRead… Read more »

Leading in an uncertain world

[This is more or less a re-print of an article I wrote some time ago for a local business magazine that I thought people might find interesting.] Every day I have the luxury of engaging with really bright people, and for someone whose personal style is a “learner,” that makes life fun. In particular. I’veRead… Read more »

California Civic Innovation Project Report Sheds Light on Knowledge Sharing and Innovation in Government

Whether you work at the Department of Agriculture, the California State Treasury Office or the Planning Division of the City of San Jose, you have probably encountered the following scenario. You are tasked with solving a problem — say, how to encourage those eligible for food stamps to take advantage of the program, or howRead… Read more »

Are there ‘added’ competencies & KSAs for HR practitioners working in Government Contracting?

Greetings You’d have great insight and experience I could use and hope you can assist… I am seeking Human Resource Managers (or those working in that capacity) who are working in (or have worked in) the Government Contracting Industry (not considered Government Service [GS]) for at least five years to participate in my Ph.D. DissertationRead… Read more »