Posts Tagged: Knowledge

Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – What’s Knowledge Management?

Welcome to the first “Ask the Knowledge Expert” Post. My name is Lisa Coates and I’m here to talk to you about Knowledge Management. First off, what is Knowledge Management? According to Wikipedia, Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insightsRead… Read more »

Presentation on Flash Mentoring at ASTD 2009 Conference

This past week, I presented on the topic of flash mentoring at the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) 2009 International Conference and Exposition here in Washington, DC. Below are the slides of the presentation. Thanks again to 13L’s Flash Mentoring Project Team: Kitty Wooley, Mike O’Leary, Chris Osborne, Patricia Armstrong, and Don JacobsonRead… Read more »

The Future of Search Engines?

The debut of Wolfram/Alpha, a computational knowledge engine, perhaps provides a glimpse of what is to come, with respect to the future of search engines. Wolfram/Alpha not only displays data graphically, unlike traditional search engines, but also displays data relationships to what is being queried. In it’s current state Wolfram/Alpha may not displace Google anytimeRead… Read more »

Highlights of the Federal Virtual Worlds Consortium Conference April 23-24

1. Most business happens outside of meetings. Virtual worlds increase serendipitous meetings that would not happen on video conference, webinars, teleconferences etc… 2. New Value Proposition Web 1.0 Access/find Web 2.0 share/participate/collaborate Web 3.0 co-create 3. Co-creation is the most experiential 4. Virtual Worlds provide a Cohesion of Presence (Herbeck) – this is why weRead… Read more »

Knowledge Management In the Government

If you have not seen (or listened to the accompanying podcast) to the article, An Update on Knowledge Management in the Federal Government you should take an opportunity to do so. Some key findings from their yearly survey of KM in the federal government: A maturing of knowledge management throughout federal agencies is occurring. OnRead… Read more »

Rule #4: Little Transfer of skills or knowledge occurs when the boss makes all the decisions.

Most individuals’ rise within an organization based on their proven track record; that is after all the basis of “merit promotion”. Therefore, most first line managers are selected based on their technical skill and often succeed in their first management position by exercising their superior technical knowledge rather then developing management skills. My own experienceRead… Read more »