Los Angeles Leverages Cloud For Detecting Earthquakes
An app that Los Angeles recently released indicates that cloud is a blank canvas that state and local governments can use to provide almost any public service.
An app that Los Angeles recently released indicates that cloud is a blank canvas that state and local governments can use to provide almost any public service.
According to Steve Towns at Government Technology,”cloud computing” is among the developments that have received the most attention in government in recent memory. It is, one might say, the LeBron James of government technology… lots of hype, but no championships… yet Cloud Computing Meets Reality It’s hard to think of a technology that’s received moreRead… Read more »
Let’s get things started… back to the 1980’s…. One Night in Bangkok makes a hard guy humble 2010 NBA Playoffs After 1230 regular season games, the NBA playoffs have arrived. Let’s take a look at the first round matchups: Eastern Conference 1.) The #1 seed Cleveland Cavaliers take on the #8 seed Chicago Bulls. ExpectRead… Read more »
(The original post can be found at WiseBread written by Jason Kay) With unemployment hitting some scary levels as of late there seems to be one entity that is almost unaffected by the trend; the government. The government is not only continuing its strong hiring that it conducts each year, but bucking the employment trend.Read… Read more »
The Los Angeles Fire Department is a pioneer among public safety agencies and emergency responders in the usage of social media. The Department’s initial social media efforts began in 2005 and have since garnered recognition nationwide. LAFD’s presence is spread across multiple social media channels including Twitter, Facebook (look up the group “Los Angeles FD),Read… Read more »
We’re in the # 4 spot! Thanks for your support!! Want to be able to easily add gadgets and apps to your own Agency’s OpenGov Dashboard? Want to see a .gov “Facebook for Government”? Favorite OpenNASA/OpenGov at Gov 2.0 LA. Deadline Jan 30, midnight EST: http://gov20la.org/shape-camp-agenda/most-voted.html Apps for Air, Apps for Space, Apps for Life,Read… Read more »
I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of community and how this applies to the digital world. It is something that a lot of people talk about, but I fear it is from learning the buzz words instead of from real understanding. The concept of a community is not new. In fact it isRead… Read more »
Dos iniciativas que premian los esfuerzos de investigadores e instituciones en procura de mejoras a la calidad de vida y la reducción de la pobreza encontramos, la Primera convocada por la Asociación Civil El Agora; es el Premio Internacional de Dubai de Mejores Practicas para mejorar las Condiciones de Vida, el cual se celebra cadaRead… Read more »
Cross-posted from the Intellitics blog (includes screenshot gallery): Los Angeles Budget Challenge: When Surveys Won’t Take No For An Answer Via Twitter today, I came across a new online consultation by the City of Los Angeles: Los Angeles Budget Challenge How will you balance the City’s budget? The Mayor of the City of Los AngelesRead… Read more »
I am undoubtedly making the trip to the West coast for February’s Gov 2.0 Camp LA and looking forward to a new venue and, hopefully, killer new ideas. Although the actual brick and mortar venue has yet to be determined – anyone interested in splitting a hotel room on-site or near by? Drop me aRead… Read more »