Posts Tagged: language

Join Web Manager University for two free plain language training events:

11/29 – Plain Language Basics12/9 – Plain Language Writing for the Web Plain Language Basics This seminar will provide an update on plain writing principles and the law. If you write content for external customers and the general public—press releases, emails, articles, newsletters, etc.—this seminar is for you. You will: Gain a better understanding ofRead… Read more »

Mission Essential Personnel Adds Former SOCOM Commander Admiral Eric Olson To Board of Advisors

10/24/2011 Chantilly, VA – Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (MEP) today announced that Adm. Eric T. Olson, who recently retired as Commander, US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), has joined its Board of Advisors. Olson was the first SEAL to command USSOCOM and will share his unique global perspective with MEP leadership as the company continues toRead… Read more »

The Global, Mobile Enterprise Era: Transform Your Presence

2011 has shown that not only are mobile strategies effective in growing a business globally, they are imperative. As our knowledge of mobile marketing begins to grow, so do the statistics: * 250 million people access Facebook through a mobile device; those who access through a mobile device rather than a PC are twice asRead… Read more »

The Government Man and the Plain Language Act

With all of the hoopla about the Plain Language Act, the Government Man thought this would be a perfect opportunity to spread some wisdom and of course hype his own creation. In my book, Confessions of a Government Man, I devote an entire chapter to “Language of Government.” Maybe our lawmakers read it prior toRead… Read more »

Update on Research on

Thanks to all of you who provided support for our research for We are trying to understand as closely as possible what Government thinkers need to know (about plain language and clear writing legislation. Here’s the background/reason for our research n 2006, my students reshaped the site Our purpose at that time wasRead… Read more »

Coaching for Language, Communication, and Accent

Everyone who works in government who works with written materials knows that every sentence is supposed to have a period at the end. All of those people know (or do they?) that sentences in general are supposed to be short and to the point. KISS is an old writing thing that means ‘Keep It ShortRead… Read more »

TSA Supervisor to Staffer: Speak English

Last month, President Obama signed into law a bill that tells Uncle Sam to speak and write plainly. The bill echoed Obama’s executive order in May instructing agencies to write job announcements in clear language. Unfortunately, one smart-ass TSAer at BWI airport didn’t get the memos. Happily, her supervisor did. The New York Times reports:Read… Read more »

Writing for the Web? Learn to Write in Plain Language in this 2 day Workshop!

For citizens, a visit to your website might be the only interaction they ever have with your agency. A bad experience on even one government website is a poor reflection on all of us. Is your website showing your agency, and the government, at its best? Writing content in plain language is the most importantRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Mind, Body, and Soul

So far you’ve done everything right in your job search. You’ve been pretty busy and working hard at it trying out a few of my suggestions : · Tidying up loose ends (professional email address, using latest technology-basically doing your homework) · Social Networking to reach out to others · Remembering to include offline opportunitiesRead… Read more »

To gain an edge & boost market share for you & your company, speak in foreign tongues!

I am in the midst of being assessed for an international business opportunity, during which I’ve been asked to submit to rigorous but objective assessments of my foreign language skills. It’s not often that professionals get to gauge perception vs. reality regarding claims of proficiency or fluency in any skill set, so I welcomed thisRead… Read more »