Successfully Leading Through Transitions
As a leader, successfully leading through transitions can make or break your career and will most definitely influence how happy you are.
As a leader, successfully leading through transitions can make or break your career and will most definitely influence how happy you are.
Here’s how you can aspire to be a great leader. As a leader, one of your main responsibilities is to define the reality for your teams.
Greater mission demands with smaller workforces are driving a need to reframe the old axiom Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way. It also demonstrates the need for strong leadership, dynamic followership and accountability.
We all want to introduce the next big idea to make a significant contribution to our organizations. But what does that really look like and how do you bring about innovation? Where does the process start?
In the Next Generation of Government Training Summit session, “Courageous Followership and Intelligent Disobedience: What the Best Leaders Expect from their Teams,” Ira Chaleff used three fun examples: dancing, more dancing (the tango), and guide dogs, to illustrate the concepts of his two books, “The Courageous Follower” and “Intelligent Disobedience.” To explain “followership,” Ira openedRead… Read more »
Leaders who accept their own limitations and find out what they don’t know demonstrate a sense of humanity and realness to others. People can see when leaders try their best and sincerely care about them. In return, the result is cooperation and comradery, further supporting the goals of the organization and making the workplace more… Read more »
You have been living in a world of lies since kindergarten. From the time you thought paste was a member of the food pyramid, you were taught that there is no “I” in team. And while the spelling bee members of your team were correct — the letter I is not actually in the word — thoseRead… Read more »
Everyone feels stuck at some point. Stuck in a job they don’t enjoy, stuck in a community they would rather not live in, stuck in a relationship that no longer feels as good as it once did. Stuck in anything not only feels awful, it means that we believe we are no longer making progress,Read… Read more »
It might not seem like the perfect time to ask federal agencies to take on a new challenge. We know you’ll disagree since this new challenge will decrease costs and advance goals that transcend agency borders. Americans expect government to “lead by example” to stave off climate change, reduce pollution, stimulate green domestic jobs, improveRead… Read more »
Acquisition, Communications, Leadership, Project Management
Managing Change in an Organization during a Transition in Leadership Authored by: Patty Guard, Former Deputy Director of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education, Board Member Public Sector Consortium Ensure stability When the previous boss is departing and you have accepted the position of the acting replacement, there are steps you can take toRead… Read more »