The Process of Persuasion
Persuasion is essential to getting things done – do you have these essential skills?
Persuasion is essential to getting things done – do you have these essential skills?
If looking to grow your leadership capacity is something that you need to move up or something that you are truly interested in, here’s how to get started.
No matter what is going on around you, you control your inner environment and how you choose to respond to external events and situations.
Discussing frustrations does not have to be unproductive. Here is a process that can help you turn a discussion about frustrations into a plan for change.
Your personal brand is what makes you unique. It is what distinguishes you, and how people remember you. Your personal brand comprises your entire image: It’s how you communicate to the world online and offline to your citizens, your colleagues and your network. Phone conversations, emails you send, the way you conduct meetings—these are allRead… Read more »
As a government employee, you are here to serve. The public entrusts you with their hard-earned tax dollars to seek optimum solutions, act in their best interest, and represent them with honesty and integrity. It is easy to lose sight of this when the needs of superiors, coworkers, and the public are in conflict.
At a basic level, a leader’s job is to make decisions. Understanding decision-making styles is a key persuasion technique that will lead to success.
What methods have you used to increase your organization’s capacity to change?
Everyone has a personal brand—it just may not be what you want it to be. By being intentional and proactive, leaders can help shape their own reputation, as well as the impact and influence of their team.
Governments sit at the precipice of a digital, connected landscape. While they are uniquely positioned to create and carry out solutions to some of society’s most pressing problems, effectively implementing the organizational changes necessary to keep pace with the digital world remains a challenge.