FITARA as an Enterprise
Learn about how FITARA is doing as an enterprise.
Learn about how FITARA is doing as an enterprise.
Leaders-learn how to weather any storm.
Read some of these great books about state and local government!
Examining why global competence and multicultural sensitivity need to be included in training for public sector leaders.
Here is a recap of some of our posts on leadership and customer service in government.
When it comes to building an effective workforce in the public sector, diversity trumps many other factors that play into the equation. That’s why diverse companies have been proven to outperform their peers.
We need to focus not only on the development of current government leaders—but those who are coming up in the ranks.
I think we can all agree that we would love to know the secrets of being successful. For those in government, success is usually defined by becoming a senior leader. The best way to learn is still (and always will be) from personal testimonies. As such, we should seek out the knowledge from those currentlyRead… Read more »
Learn something new everyday – that’s a phrase you’ve heard since you were little. You should always be looking for new experiences, skills to gain and ways to grow in leadership positions. As much as you want to do all these things, it’s easier said than done. So, where do you begin? In GovLoop’s recentRead… Read more »
Don’t wait until Election Day. Dive into these books to get prepared for the presidential transition.