Posts Tagged: leadership

Ali Mayorkas on Leading a Unity of Effort at DHS

Ali Mayorkas, deputy secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, joined me on The Business of Government Hour to discuss such topics as the department’s key strategic priorities, the challenges it faces, how the DHS “Unity of Effort” initiative is going, and what DHS is doing to improve its operational performance.

5 Major Myths about Leadership

Effective leadership takes forethought and preparation. While at times we can enjoy some spontaneous successes however being able to purposely repeat those successes is much more desirable. Preparing for your role as a leader is just as important as any technical skill you developed as a individual contributor. Preparation is not just studying aspects of… Read more »

The Foundations of Leadership Succession Planning

To prepare new leaders and create a talent pipeline, agencies can take a strategic approach that begins long before leaders make their exit. A strong succession plan leverages reliable information about workers’ strengths, career ambitions and potential to prepare the next generation of leaders in anticipation of workforce changes.

Nani Coloretti on Pursuing an Opportunity Agenda at HUD

As the HUD Deputy Secretary, I help the department achieve its mission by focusing on effective operations and crosscutting policy and program issues… if we build a stronger HUD by improving leadership, accountability, transparency, and focusing on better resource management, then we’ll be better prepared to successfully achieve [our strategic goals.

Take the Data and be Transformational

Ever wonder if technology really does make our life easier? Is all of the data we collect really worth the time and energy? Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed with the minute details and intricacies of technological data collection that we fail to see the big picture. According to B. J. Walker, Director at Deloitte Consulting, itRead… Read more »

How to Be a Leader in the Digital Transformation Era

Many of you may have noticed a shift in both your day-to-day lives, as well as your work environments. What used to be done with a paper and pen is now being done by electronic devices. Some of us may struggle with this new transition, but there are also people out there who have theRead… Read more »